Does the constant slander about City bother you?

Off dickheads in the pub - no.
Off media outlets like Sky - annoyed but don't give a fuck.
Off wankstains like Simon Harris with their constant undermining bullshit and snidey digs I get an overwhelming urge to smash their fucking teeth in like I did to red scumbags who did the same at school. Fucking Cunts the lot of them.
Fucking great post a man after my own heart
I don’t know why any Blues bother with football journalists (and talkSPORT, Sky Sports News, podcasts made by dickheads, Twitter etc.)…

It’s like going out of your way to dive into a swimming pool of diarrhoea, then moaning about how awful it is… but not only that, actually then doing it over-and-over again, day-after-day, year-after-year, and carrying on complaining about how awful it is!
This a new beautician (?) therapy I am unaware of PC?
It’s the sign of the times and the ‘media’ in general would rather rehash a tweet, make something up via interpretation or just be dishonest. Reporters are under pressure to produce an unrealistic number of articles and they need to be clickbait. Now City are global we get it like the Rags used to.

It does bother me as it’s mainly untrue. What bothers me more is the abuse people get via Twitter. I stopped using it, not he cause I get abused but because it is a cesspit of lies, hatred and morons
Yes, I also believe it is damaging to the clubs reputation.
Indeed, and that is the main reason it is a constant in and out of the season. They don't like the club, the owner, or the manager. They don't know us - we are just an amorphous mound of rodents, according to one of them. It's the club they wish to denigrate.
Yes, I also believe it is damaging to the clubs reputation.
Agreed, it's only human to be bothered when you see something you love been unfairly put in a negative light.
It can also damage a fan's reputation. When a business acquaintance or friend or relative who has trusted you for years, might occasionally have a casual conversation about football and you reveal you are a City fan, mostly all they know is the negatives they have heard or read. Sailing against the wind by telling them much of what they heard/read is false can be a problem as sometimes you can see your credibility has dropped in their minds because it goes against most of what information they have picked up generally.
I don’t get drawn into this in real life because I know it’s not worth the energy arguing with people who’ve chosen to believe things to protect their own fragile self-esteem, but I do find myself arguing with the TV because no one on there ever makes any sense.

Most of all, it’s the invented moral issues/double standards that get my goat:

Apparently it is wrong to spend money in professional sport?!

It is wrong if someone from overseas invests here, unless they’re from places with spotless human rights records like Russia, USA, Thailand, etc. Or they’re building an office tower in London or anything else that’s not football.

Nothing is better than when a team that has an unsuccessful spell starts winning stuff - but they can’t win too much like City - that’s bad,

City broke FFP because the judgement of a lower secretive process is more significant than the highest court in sport giving its open judgement, and on it goes…

No logic, no consistency, no sense… just pure envy and prejudice. And of course, to defend us they put forward Micah, nice lad but thick as two short planks.
Agreed, it's only human to be bothered when you see something you love been unfairly put in a negative light.
It can also damage a fan's reputation. When a business acquaintance or friend or relative who has trusted you for years, might occasionally have a casual conversation about football and you reveal you are a City fan, mostly all they know is the negatives they have heard or read. Sailing against the wind by telling them much of what they heard/read is false can be a problem as sometimes you can see your credibility has dropped in their minds because it goes against most of what information they have picked up generally.

A smirky smile comes across their face, eyes belittle you as they look to the sky. You realise they believe our owners are constantly torturing people in the heat of the desert.
The question then is change topic or let go with both barrels.
Of course Delaney, Harris et al bother me, I cant do nowt about it though.

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