Well-Known Member
My take is that Kim is saying to Trump ' Fuck off and leave us alone. If you think you can attack us with impunity like you did with Saddam and Gaddafi then you've got another think coming because they might not have had the means to harm your country but I have, or will very soon have those means so be warned'.
Quite rightly and justifiably in my opinion.
That's all it can be.
Why would a small impoverished country be eager to take on hyperpower, thereby guaranteeing it's own obliteration. He knows the Americans like to start wars on flimsy pretexts because they know the resulting destruction and chaos will be on somebody else's soil. He's telling the Americans this time might be different.
the only thing Kim has in any form of defence is wiping 20 million S Koreans from the planet seconds before he and his fellow countrymen are vaporized and those 20 million people can at this moment thank DT for the fact that they will still be able to wake up in the morning,,DT knows the score and thats why up to date their has been no strike on NK,,Previous American presidents have faild this region and DT is picking up the pieces, not a lot he can do its either put up or shut up in trumps case but eventually i think he will put up because if he dosent the next series of problems with them will be 10 times more threatening than they are today