It shows you clearly the level this scumbag will go to to get an increase in popularity. Condemning potentially hundreds of thousands of lives, including his Ian soldiers because of his ego.
All the things, I mean every fucking thing, those of us said about the bastard has been exceeded to levels even we could not imagine.
He hasn't even completed a year and his country is divided. The world is looking on in utter bewilderment at how much of a total prick he is.
Over three years to go. Come on FBI, jail this fucking traitor and every one of his campaign team. If they knew, he knew.
The only thing he has done us save his family billions of dollars in tax. And still his thick as fuck base stand by him through their love his racist approach.
The most disastrous, incompetent, cringeworthy president ever to sit on his big fat Orange arse in the Oval Office.
Scumbag par excellence.