Donald Trump

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As much as I admire her, I would find it hugely depressing that another offspring/spouse of a former president was running for office in a country of 300 million people. Just like Prime Ministers repeatedly having attended Eton, it just doesn't sit right with me.

Allegedly the Clintons are now gearing up for Chelsea's run for congress.
Hillary Clinton likely to end up winning the popular vote by OVER 2 MILLION people - more than Gore, JFK, Nixon etc. Over 2. MILLION. PEOPLE.

Is our system similar to there's?

However the election result isn't decided on that basis. Its how the votes stack up in each state and the electoral college seats that secures. Like it or lump it thats the way it works
60,000 people vote the other way in Florida, or in 3 other states, and Clinton wins. To have that few people deciding the future of all Americans and impacting on billions outside America reinforces the feeling that first past the post democracy is not good.

In the USA it doesn't even deliver decisive government when Republicans can wreck a Democrat president's mandate.
They should split the US into 3 super states so that each can govern to the wishes of the people but somehow make it 100% certain that they can't go to war with each other because they'd be vicious.


Oh ya and build a wall between them for the love of Gawd!
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Lol! Aaand the rollback begins...
Trump, at any point:
"We're going to repeal and replace Obama Care"

Trump on '60 Minutes':
We're gonna keep parts of the Affordable Care Act like 'Pre-existing Conditions' as "it's one of the strongest assets of the law" and trying preserve young people under 26 remaining on their parents insurance.

So, as I predicted (& half right with the riots and maybe that full aspect may yet happen) it's not going to start well for Trump. They have 3 months, roughly, to create the immediate 'repeal and replace' aspect "on the same day, not a 2 day gap, not a 2 month gap"!

What a shit gibbon fooking Clown!
Again its totally irrelevant because he won.

You need to read what I have said continually on Trump in this thread and the previous incarnation, you are so badly informed if you think I am his chief apologist, I was the poster who first called him a cheeto faced ferret wearing shitgibbon on here, an insult that has been widely used. If you think I'm his chief apologist, you havent kept up with the threads, so dont act like you know what I think and how I feel about him.

I wont defend Clinton for acting like a spoilt child and not thanking her supporters for all their hard work, doesnt mean I like Trump. It was a shithouse move from her, that I havent seen from an losing presidential candidate in over 25 years of following US elections. I notice you completely ignored the part of what the media would have said if he had done that. If you want to defend an ungrateful horror of a woman, carry on.
Hilary is a disrespectful motherfucker.
Will the DNC learn or repeat the same mistake in 4 years time now Hillary is looking at a safe congress seat to get into?

The sad thing for Americans that voted for President Elect Shitgibbon is the Republican party will take America back to their nostalgic view of the 1950's and have their fall guy in place to do so.
Hillary Clinton likely to end up winning the popular vote by OVER 2 MILLION people - more than Gore, JFK, Nixon etc. Over 2. MILLION. PEOPLE.

Is our system similar to there's?
It's a nonsense argument, both Clinton's and Trump's campaigns were targeted to produce a win under the existing system. They would have altered their approaches to achieve a win under another system and we don't know what this would have produced.
For the information of those that were doubting the validity of Wikileaks publications:

The Clinton campaign unsuccessfully tried to claim that our publications are inaccurate. WikiLeaks’ decade-long pristine record for authentication remains. As Julian said: "Our key publications this round have even been proven through the cryptographic signatures of the companies they passed through, such as Google. It is not every day you can mathematically prove that your publications are perfect but this day is one of them."

Haven't had time to read the details but I trust there are no flaws in their argument of validity here, unless anyone can see otherwise.
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