In case you haven’t noticed, not a lot of that going around in the States these days. Throw in religion, fake news, and the likes of Bannon and Facebook creating a cyberworld that doesn’t really exist (but those that believe it don’t leave their town, let alone their county, state or country) and we appear to be a long way from ever getting back on an even keel.
For those of you that have been to America, you will know that America is more akin to about EIGHT (10 if you include Hawaii and Alaska) different countries. Each “country” has a few big cities and millions of acres of hinterlands. Those hinterlands are the lifeblood of the Republican Party and are mollycoddled by the calls for Jesus, getting rid of abortion, saving the family farm from taxes (even though EVERY FARM IN THE US receives special tax consideration already, and is already one of the bigger tax dodges out there!), and stopping Washington from wasting your money. They are told that the urban areas, which are densely populated with Democrats, are evil in this narrative, because they suck up massive amounts of government money. The disconnect is that there is more money spent there BECAUSE THERE ARE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE LIVING THERE!
As mentioned in a previous post of mine, this won’t change any time soon, because many of the people living outside those cities don’t have good schools (paid for by local taxes) and education is seen as uppity, because manual labor has honor (which it certainly does, but they are not mutually exclusive!) and education means heading off to the big city....which is full of the tax dollar sucking evil doers who use abortion as birth control and on and on and on...
Additionally, there are “off road” places in America that are not safe for “outsiders,” because there are still places that are the wild Wild West...and some of you wonder why so many Americans are gun owners? Some times, it is to have with you when you travel through wide open spaces, where a flat tire can be a death sentence. And, while that may sound hyperbolic to some, I’m serious. You can bet your life that every trucker on the road has a gun with him, and a permit to carry it!