Donald Trump

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Thats all well and good, but the electoral college system was set up, so the 'slave' states as they were called would have a representation and a say in the parliament, it was a form of appeasement. It is an archaic system that is quite out of date in reality, however it wont change any time soon, so there is no point moaning and bitching about it.

Also I dont think those mentioning the popular vote were questioning the election result really, it initially was a response to someone saying the majority of Americans voted for Trump, where as the truth is more voted Clinton and under 20% of people living in the states voted for him. As for Trump having a mandate, he really hasnt got one, he has 7 million less votes than Obama got last election and nobody said Obama had a mandate. President elect shitgibbon, isnt totally stupid, thats not saying he is clever mind you, he knows most people dont want him in power, he has the worst approval rating of any president before they hold office, so he is going to tone down the rhetoric and be far more moderate than he portrayed himself to be on the election trail.
Under 20% of people living in the states voted for him? Huh? I thought the popular vote was quite close?

I don't understand this electoral college system, to be honest I thought everyone was talking about which way the college kids would vote. Is it like us voting on our constituency in a general election - but if we were the same as the US system, we'd vote for an MP based on who they have claimed they will be voting for in the electoral college, where all these MPs would then vote on the next President?
She actually won him more votes by calling him out on racism, sexism etc as many of his followers voted for him because of those very things.
I feel like people generalising a whole group of people as racist is starting to get as annoying as racists generalising a whole group of people.

I note that you said 'many,' I'm talking in general as of late with regards to Brexit and Trump. With relevance, Trump's election appears to have at least put the brakes on TTIP which is exactly what I hoped for from both results, though impossible to predict. If it goes through in the EU, at least we've got a better chance of being out before then.
Under 20% of people living in the states voted for him? Huh? I thought the popular vote was quite close?

I don't understand this electoral college system, to be honest I thought everyone was talking about which way the college kids would vote. Is it like us voting on our constituency in a general election - but if we were the same as the US system, we'd vote for an MP based on who they have claimed they will be voting for in the electoral college, where all these MPs would then vote on the next President?
Rather than reply to each question, I'm just gonna say 'no' as it covers everything.
Under 20% of people living in the states voted for him? Huh? I thought the popular vote was quite close?

I don't understand this electoral college system, to be honest I thought everyone was talking about which way the college kids would vote. Is it like us voting on our constituency in a general election - but if we were the same as the US system, we'd vote for an MP based on who they have claimed they will be voting for in the electoral college, where all these MPs would then vote on the next President?
There is a lot you havent understood for a few weeks now. And you still havent grasped the electoral college system now
Under 20% of people living in the states voted for him? Huh? I thought the popular vote was quite close?

I don't understand this electoral college system, to be honest I thought everyone was talking about which way the college kids would vote. Is it like us voting on our constituency in a general election - but if we were the same as the US system, we'd vote for an MP based on who they have claimed they will be voting for in the electoral college, where all these MPs would then vote on the next President?
It's really quite simple. Each state has a set number of delegates, based roughly on population, which are allocated on a winner takes all basis. So the most populous state is California and that has 55 delegates. If one candidate or other wins California by just one vote overall, they get all those 55 delegates. These delegates do actually meet and vote but they vote as mandated by the election result. Clinton won California so she gets 55 votes in the electoral college. And the same for all other states.

Our system is that Gtr Manchester has 27 separate constituencies and currently we elect an MP for each of those 27 on a first past the post basis. Imagine we were to change to say that whichever party got the most aggregate votes across all those 27 constituencies got to send 27 MP's to Parliament.
Under 20% of people living in the states voted for him? Huh? I thought the popular vote was quite close?

I don't understand this electoral college system, to be honest I thought everyone was talking about which way the college kids would vote. Is it like us voting on our constituency in a general election - but if we were the same as the US system, we'd vote for an MP based on who they have claimed they will be voting for in the electoral college, where all these MPs would then vote on the next President?

when you consider of those registered to vote 47% didnt bother, he got 25.5% of the vote she got 25.6%, the rest going to others. When you consider there are another 100m people not registered ie illegals and those under age, then he got under 20% of people in America voting for him, hardly a mandate to govern.

Basically each state is given a number of votes in the electoral college, this is decided by population of each state, so California gets the most and Vermont the least, its a first passed the post system so if you win a state all its votes go to one candidate or the other (with a couple of exceptions). When you get 270 electoral votes you are president. This is why they talk about red (Republican) and Blue (Democrat) states.
There is a lot you havent understood for a few weeks now. And you still havent grasped the electoral college system now
"...and you still haven't grasped the electoral college system now" - I haven't mentioned it before on here. I live on the other side of the world to you, your past elections haven't been as of much importance for me to take as much interest to find out previously.

Pray tell what else have I not understood in the past few weeks? The bits about domestic modern Russia I was looking to learn a bit about, where you couldn't accept the equitable international actions with US actions and disagreed with my views on the Snowden case, trying to discredit them based on my lack of knowledge of an entirely unrelated topic that you didn't add anything to either? I don't pretend to know things I don't and indicate any gaps of knowledge so I can learn from others, unlike people that find it uncomfortable conversing with others that share alternate views and so try to discredit those views by talking about irrelevant nonsense but never bringing up any source of information or argument of substance to do so.
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