Hasn't it occurred to you how strange it is, that after many months of an investigation carried out by senior figures connected with the Clinton Uranium One deal, (Mueller was directly involved,) that to date they have nothing connecting Trump and Russia. Nothing. This despite having 24 hours a day surveillance of Trump and anyone associated with him for nearly the last two years, and they still have nothing.
Unfortunately, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary or should I say the complete absence of evidence of Trump Russia collusion, the snowflake mainstream media continue to brainwash its snowflake audience that the evidence is just around the corner. Let me tell you something; it's not. If there were anything there, they would have already found it.
Oh hang on, they know there is no Trump Russia collusion, that's why they fabricated the dodgy dossier with Christopher Steel. But don't take my word for it, ask Peter Strozk.