Donald Trump

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Been reported for a few days that they are willing to scrap their nuclear program in exchange for peace talks and easing of sanctions, hopefully it's that.
He's convinced his base, and his base are idiots. When they pay a lot more for their next car or washing machine, or they get laid off from the Caterpillar factory, something else will be blamed -- probably immigrants, or Democrats.

The production of steel, in its entirety, is a $36B industry in the U.S. It's miniscule. There are three homebuilders in the U.S. that produce $36B in sales combined, out of 20,000+ companies. And FYI, they don't like the lumber tariffs slapped on them either.

It's absolute inanity.

Yes everyone who holds a different political opinion to you is a stupid racist who works in a factory.
Enjoy 7 more years of Trump in your ideological bubble you tit.
This in North Korea. I would not be at all surprised if they were telling porkies.

Even if they said they had stopped doing something, there would be no way of knowing, as there is very little hard intel coming out of there.

There is no way they are really going to scrap any nuclear weapons. They will just show the world evidence of them scrapping some old junk missiles, whilst their new shiny missiles sit in storage hidden, away in some silo deep in a mountain. They will then prosper from the reduction of sanctions, and continue to develop their nuclear program in secret.
I am curious as to how he's convinced anyone that huge trade tariffs on metal is a good idea. Sure, you might get more steel work jobs, but literally everything involving metal you buy is going to cost more as you've done nothing to make producing steel in America cheaper? All you've done is increase the cost of steel in America
I would assume he is banking on the following equation going in his favour. He promised the rust belt jobs, if he gets them jobs the extra cost on products will be so diluted across the board your average American will barely notice. Those in the rust belt though! they will feel it positively, their friends and family's will benefit to. So i think the goodwill and votes earned from that will outweigh any negative feelings towards him.

If you think of it when you are at a shop and they say "oh this is x amount"and you think "robbing bastards" who do you blame? you almost hold the poor assistant personally responsible for this outrage don't you, i know i do xD You get my point though, tenuous links from those who shape policy and tax rates are rarely taken into consideration with cursory thought. You blame the company who made it or the shop who you feel are charging to much. The faceless bugger in Brussels who has a meeting we are not privy to or allowed to see the minutes from (legally you have a right to see them but you try going to get them) who just signed some paper that really did affect your end cost never gets a finger pointed at them.
Shitgibbon wrote that statement. I’m convinced of it. It opened with how they thanked his wonderful and strong leadership etc.

Change the name and it would have sounded like an official NK press release.

NK has been trying to get to meet a US president for decades. Is he really that stupid that he’ll agree to meet on rocket mans home turf...?
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