Donald Trump

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NK policy is to be seen and treated as a serious player on the world stage so if Kim can get a sit down with a US President it will be a major coup for him. Kim will also see it as vindication of his nuclear policy.

But talking is better than firing missiles so probably worth a shot. Can’t see it happening in May though. There will be months of haggling before any potential sit down.

Kim would never fire a missile. Gives away every leverage point he'd ever had, and his nation would be overrun in a week. Much smarter for him to do exactly this, and Trump has fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Gives a meeting based on absolutely nothing. But a wonderful distraction from all-time low opinion polls, Stormy Daniels, Mueller, etc. Which, of course, Kim knows.
Is this 1994 or 2018?!

NK population believes they are at war with the United States, and Trump going to NK would make it look like he has succumbed to Kim.

If they do meet, I wonder where it will take place? South Korea? Japan? Switzerland? England? It might kill two birds with one stone to do the meeting in England...a meeting AND getting the England trip in under cover of the meeting!

And if ANYONE thinks NK and Kim are going to give up their nukes, think again!
Yes everyone who holds a different political opinion to you is a stupid racist who works in a factory.
Enjoy 7 more years of Trump in your ideological bubble you tit.
1) his base, the 35% still supporting him, are idiots.

2) he won’t last a full term let alone 2.
1) his base, the 35% still supporting him, are idiots.

2) he won’t last a full term let alone 2.

1) wrong to label many millions of people idiots.

2) I will donate 100 to a charity of your choice if he doesn’t last full term.
Is this 1994 or 2018?!

NK population believes they are at war with the United States, and Trump going to NK would make it look like he has succumbed to Kim.

If they do meet, I wonder where it will take place? South Korea? Japan? Switzerland? England? It might kill two birds with one stone to do the meeting in England...a meeting AND getting the England trip in under cover of the meeting!

And if ANYONE thinks NK and Kim are going to give up their nukes, think again!
England would be good and invite a couple of Russians with umbrellas
I would assume he is banking on the following equation going in his favour. He promised the rust belt jobs, if he gets them jobs the extra cost on products will be so diluted across the board your average American will barely notice. Those in the rust belt though! they will feel it positively, their friends and family's will benefit to. So i think the goodwill and votes earned from that will outweigh any negative feelings towards him.

If you think of it when you are at a shop and they say "oh this is x amount"and you think "robbing bastards" who do you blame? you almost hold the poor assistant personally responsible for this outrage don't you, i know i do xD You get my point though, tenuous links from those who shape policy and tax rates are rarely taken into consideration with cursory thought. You blame the company who made it or the shop who you feel are charging to much. The faceless bugger in Brussels who has a meeting we are not privy to or allowed to see the minutes from (legally you have a right to see them but you try going to get them) who just signed some paper that really did affect your end cost never gets a finger pointed at them.

That's pretty much how I saw it. The workers get their bump, and safer jobs (possibly more jobs).
Lots of things may go up, but very few things are going to increase dramatically. A 25% steel price increase isn't going to make a car price go up 25%.

I also suspect that, given the exemptions that are being thrown around, it's not going to be as dramatic as it is being sold as, just like many Big Policy Announcements in politics.
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