Donald Trump

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The 'establishment' and the liberal bubbles they live in ignore the concerns of the 'real people' . The 'real people' may be ignorant,prejudiced, ill informed but they should be respected. As with Brexit there is a reaction to being told we are bigoted , racist,little Englanders etc.

'Stupid', 'ill-informed', 'uneducated' etc... how are 'liberals' (and I use that term loosely) opinions of people they criticise mean that their vote is any less valid? Do they feel that a persons intelligence denotes whether that makes a person worthy of a vote, or is any less of a person? Smart or 'dumb, black or white, male or female, people are people.
Did Gorbachev teleport forward into a new century to create this revisionism, then ;)

Russia ran out of Roubles and the wall came down. Game over.

No, it's called primary sourcing rather than Fox News et al.... Try reading some gore Vidal, rather than colonel sanders American pie chronicles...

It was Gorbachev who put forward the idea of soviet disarmament in 84, well before there economy is in the toilet.

Gorbachev's dialogue with Ronald Reagan on security matters was not merely an admission that the Soviet Union was no longer able to compete with the United States in the nuclear arms race; a different Soviet leader could have continued playing dangerous games with the Americans for much longer. Gorbachev decided voluntarily to renounce the maintenance of the nuclear threat as a way of propping up the Soviet system...... They didn't give him the noble fucking peace prize because the country was skint, it was because he from his early tenure wanted every nation to have the right to choose its own government... This was all randy regan though, fuck me...

And cut......
Yes this summed up by the acceptance in the media and establishment that black and Hispanic voting on block one way is ok .

However if white people vote a particular way they are uneducated racists and it's some kind of backlash ( or whitewash as someone just called it) ...

These divisions between men , women black white etc etc are often exacerbated by this and analysis . Why do we need to put people in boxes and categories all the time.

Here endeth the lesson.
No, it's called primary sourcing rather than Fox News et al.... Try reading some gore Vidal, rather than colonel sanders American pie chronicles...

It was Gorbachev who put forward the idea of soviet disarmament in 84, well before there economy is in the toilet.

Gorbachev's dialogue with Ronald Reagan on security matters was not merely an admission that the Soviet Union was no longer able to compete with the United States in the nuclear arms race; a different Soviet leader could have continued playing dangerous games with the Americans for much longer. Gorbachev decided voluntarily to renounce the maintenance of the nuclear threat as a way of propping up the Soviet system...... They didn't give him the noble fucking peace prize because the country was skint, it was because he from his early tenure wanted every nation to have the right to choose its own government... This was all randy regan though, fuck me...

And cut......
I love it when a sibling argument weaponises Gore Vidal.
No, it's called primary sourcing rather than Fox News et al.... Try reading some gore Vidal, rather than colonel sanders American pie chronicles...

It was Gorbachev who put forward the idea of soviet disarmament in 84, well before there economy is in the toilet.

Gorbachev's dialogue with Ronald Reagan on security matters was not merely an admission that the Soviet Union was no longer able to compete with the United States in the nuclear arms race; a different Soviet leader could have continued playing dangerous games with the Americans for much longer. Gorbachev decided voluntarily to renounce the maintenance of the nuclear threat as a way of propping up the Soviet system...... They didn't give him the noble fucking peace prize because the country was skint, it was because he from his early tenure wanted every nation to have the right to choose its own government... This was all randy regan though, fuck me...

And cut......

And still have poor Mikhail operating in the wrong fucking century - keep up, bro!

"Mr Gorbachev, please tear down this wall"

For the record, he was a brilliant man (for the 20th century ;)

But it takes two tribes to go to war and two to tango.
It's no coincidence that the (generally) more sophisticated and outward looking states on the west coast and the north east coast voted for Clinton while most (but not all) of Trump's successes were in the states in the middle and south of the country where there are a lot of hicks, rednecks, isolationists and reactionaries. Cloetus and Billy Bob have got a lot to answer for.

Maybe previous presidents (Democrat and Republican) have got a lot to answer for for not giving two shits about Cloetus and Billy Bob. Why should their opinions and problems be less worthy than more educated, outward looking people?
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