Donald Trump

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He is.

I do love how many people he's wound up though, as a professionally wind up merchant myself, it's been a great watch.

Obviously I hope he keeps his shit together so no one dies but the new breed of ultra PC liberal needed a kicking.
You're a '"professionally wind up merchant"?
I just love your Unwinese mate, it's so "basic engly twenty fido".
Nothing new in his speech. Thing is....if you are a republican/conservative who believes in free markets. That speech should horrify you. He sounded like Bernie Sanders at times.

His affection for protectionism is the most troubling aspect of his political platform IMO. Protectionism kills jobs and destroys economic growth.
If Trump starts a trade war, it won't just affect US consumer prices. It could hurt consumers around the world.

We'll see how much of it is just populist rhetoric. And how much is policy. His foreign policy sounded a lot like isolationism as well.
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