Donald Trump

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Don't like trump, but do like the offence he causes and generally the people he offends need fucking offending.
Hopefully even if he achieves nothing else he might stop the modern trend for faux outrage and taking offence being an actual political position.
Yep, love it. Hopefully the fucking idiots out in Manchester protesting will have been suitably offended enough to go protesting again - well until something else offends them.

Walked past the bints on the way home. It sounded like it was a load of women and kids screeching, like Utd in the cup.

Don't get me wrong I think Trump is a muppet but I was tempted to shout "trump" walking past.
Just exercising their democratic rights mate.
No worse than you sadly posting on a football forum.

Don't cry snowflake
Nothing new in his speech. Thing is....if you are a republican/conservative who believes in free markets. That speech should horrify you. He sounded like Bernie Sanders at times.

His affection for protectionism is the most troubling aspect of his political platform IMO. Protectionism kills jobs and destroys economic growth.
If Trump starts a trade war, it won't just affect US consumer prices. It could hurt consumers around the world.

We'll see how much of it is just populist rhetoric. And how much is policy. His foreign policy sounded a lot like isolationism as well.

This thing about bringing millions of jobs is something of a conundrum - under Obama unemployment went from just over 11% to just under 4% - almost full employment. Add into that the baby boomers - a big group of people - are due to retire over the next few years. This will free up many jobs - many well paid that will then free up advancement opportunities for the hard pressed middle classes the result being that a lot of the lower paid jobs often taken by the hard pressed middle who are having to do 2 or 3 jobs will be available. These would normally be taken up by unskilled labour - most often immigrants but his speech made it clear where he stands there - Hire American !

So full employment and he wants BMW to build cars there but not Mexico. How can they do so if there will be a skills shortage? More not well thought through rhetoric.
Just watching a rerun of Trump walking down the avenue with dozens and dozens of black clad security men, reminds me of a bad Vin Diesel film.
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