Donald Trump

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Comparing Clinton to Trump and saying they're as bad as each other, is like saying the common cold and advanced syphilis are the same.

They should have gone with Bernie but don't forget 4m more Americans voted for her. She won the vote. As unpopular as she was. 4m more chose her even after all the hacking and leaks.

Bernie would have gotten clattered by Trump. That's why they opted against him. I don't get the love for him either, he drives a 100K sports car just like the rest of them. This nice guy Bernie thing was an act.
Comparing Clinton to Trump and saying they're as bad as each other, is like saying the common cold and advanced syphilis are the same.

They should have gone with Bernie but don't forget 4m more Americans voted for her. She won the vote. As unpopular as she was. 4m more chose her even after all the hacking and leaks.
I think they took the attitude they'd rather vote for the dodgy **** they know rather than the vain **** obsessed with banging his daughter. DMC fucked up big time, like new labour they were arrogant to think the people would swallow the same shit rather than pick Bernie who would have won both the EC an popular vote with the senate and Congress going same way.

Ah well,it's gonna be a fun 6 months ahead....
Comparing Clinton to Trump and saying they're as bad as each other, is like saying the common cold and advanced syphilis are the same.

They should have gone with Bernie but don't forget 4m more Americans voted for her. She won the vote. As unpopular as she was. 4m more chose her even after all the hacking and leaks.

Clinton is more like aids.

She's a fucking cockroach of a human being.
I have to say I don't know the exact cross over of posters but it's amusing that in the main forum there's huge threads on media misinformation, biased and inaccurate reporting about City with calls for Pep to ban journalists who lie about the club.

Yet at the same time in this thread CNN and their ilk are moral bastions who have never told a lie and don't have any agenda at all (they do).
That's a very fair point. The media virtually all have an angle or agenda and while people who have the ability to think for themselves can see through that, I suspect they're very much in a minority But are you in danger of confusing a couple of things? If the media print crap about us, we know that it's designed to attract a high volume of hits from those fans of other clubs who love to read this negative shit about us. We may not like it but there's a commercial basis to it.

But let's say Pep came out and denied we'd dropped points yesterday, claimed it was a great win and that all the media were lying. Or if Bacary Sagna denied he'd ever tweeted about the Burnley game being 10 v 12. We'd think they'd gone mad.
I think one distinct advantage that Trump had was that he was not the career politician. He can point and say that all the ills of the way your lives are governed are down to what these jokers have done over the decades - much the same way that Jezzer will never get into any cabinet, including his own!!
I think you are focusing far too much on the scab than the disease. As I said, he's in.

It's a horrifying thought, but for me the single thing that prevents the collapse of the US in the next 8 years is Donald fucking Trump. If he actually pulls it off and creates jobs and prosperity for all people, races and classes then the left lose all sway in an election.

We live in a crazy, crazy world where I reckon we'll see The Rock contest the next US Presidency with Mark Zuckerberg. Madness.

Part of the myth again - creates jobs? Who will do those jobs? There are fewer than 4% unemployed in the States - why would BMW for example locate a factory in a country where there is a labour shortage? The industries that have gone, steel, mining, cars, have gone because of a lack of competitiveness. The US has let its citizens down in these areas where this work was done - the country isn't full of unemployed people.

With my political leanings I am loathed to type the following but it has to be said that Thatcher effectively got rid of those industries here. It was tough, we have our rust belts our devastated mining towns and demolished car factory but over 30 years we as a nation have come through that and there are jobs in those areas just not in those industries. In the Tyne/Wear valley which includes the metropolitan areas there are now MORE people in work than there were in the heyday of the mining and heavy industries. Its just different work they do - IT, Design, vehicle assembly, train building and so on. Had any UK politician over the last 30 years suggested that the way to "fix" things was to reopen all the closed mines, to start building ships and to revive Rover would have been laughed off the stage. This clown suggests it will happen and he is a saviour. A real politician a real president would pledge to invest in new industries and bring modern high tech high paid jobs to the country - not to put a tariff on Chinese steel and reopen American steel mills and produce steel at uneconomical rates.
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