Donald Trump

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Like it or not, he has the job. People need to respect that and give it 12 months to see what he's actually implementing.

Flapping already is just petulance.

The thing is, for him to do what he claims he will do, it will get a lot worse before it gets better. A lot.

If he closes the borders and implements the trade restrictions, inflation will hit crazy levels before it improves. I'm no fan of the man but I'm intelligent enough to see that his plan is so crazy it just might work. Capitalists are going to get very, very rich on the back of it, but what people need to realize is these will be capitalists that will have no choice but to build their businesses within the US border as opposed to the "made in china" brigade of the last 20-30 years.

So I'd advise everyone to think before you go off on one, because short term there'll be a fuck ton of reasons to go off on one, but what keeps me calm is the fact that the man is such an egotist that he'll genuinely want to be the man who fixes it all.

I hear what you are saying but I have a problem with it and that problem is trump and how he would take silence as support.

His inauguration speech was a denigration of every ex pres sitting there. His ego obliterated everything he could have said that aimed to reassure a world that he wasn't a maniac. He reaffirmed he is.

He needs to be challenged every minute of every day when he comes out with his hate filled neo fascist bullshit.

Americans in particular need to decide wether they give him the benefit of the doubt, or take him on through demonstrating in their millions. He doesn't deserve any wiggle room.

I think they will because they have to for all our sakes. He is for the working man, yet appoints self interested dodgy billionaires to run the country, yet Trumps fans still think a man who opposed raising the min wage is on their side?

They very well may not be thick as fuck, but by their saviour Jesus, they can't half pull off looking like it.

He will do and say stuff everyday and as under this tosser, every day could be our last, there is no grace period or should be with this wanker.

Sex offending wanker.

Let's not try and airbrush that bit out as fake news.

1 year from now I'm hoping he's been impeached at least 11 months.

And broke caused by paying off all he's sexually assaulted.

Jail time would be lovely too.

I have a dream.
I hear what you are saying but I have a problem with it and that problem is trump and how he would take silence as support.

His inauguration speech was a denigration of every ex pres sitting there. His ego obliterated everything he could have said that aimed to reassure a world that he wasn't a maniac. He reaffirmed he is.

He needs to be challenged every minute of every day when he comes out with his hate filled neo fascist bullshit.

Americans in particular need to decide wether they give him the benefit of the doubt, or take him on through demonstrating in their millions. He doesn't deserve any wiggle room.

I think they will because they have to for all our sakes. He is for the working man, yet appoints self interested dodgy billionaires to run the country, yet Trumps fans still think a man who opposed raising the min wage is on their side?

They very well may not be thick as fuck, but by their saviour Jesus, they can't half pull off looking like it.

He will do and say stuff everyday and as under this tosser, every day could be our last, there is no grace period or should be with this wanker.

Sex offending wanker.

Let's not try and airbrush that bit out as fake news.

1 year from now I'm hoping he's been impeached at least 11 months.

And broke caused by paying off all he's sexually assaulted.

Jail time would be lovely too.

I have a dream.

I think you are focusing far too much on the scab than the disease. As I said, he's in.

America right now will be a fascist country within 4-8 years. A lot of people think that.

What a lot of them don't think is that it will just as likely be a leftist movement rising to fascist power as it will be one from the "alt-right". Both sides are beyond fucked. On one side you've neo-nazi's and on the other you have sjw's who want everyone to do nothing unless it's explicitly in line with their group think on any given day on twitter.

It's a horrifying thought, but for me the single thing that prevents the collapse of the US in the next 8 years is Donald fucking Trump. If he actually pulls it off and creates jobs and prosperity for all people, races and classes then the left lose all sway in an election. If he does, the right will have no choice but to find a similar candidate-i.e. a self made person as opposed to a funded politician. If Trump fails, expect states to walk from the union, starting with California.

We live in a crazy, crazy world where I reckon we'll see The Rock contest the next US Presidency with Mark Zuckerberg. Madness.
Saying is one thing trump is good at. Him having an understanding of how he will do it is the problem.

The only way I see the US breaking up is literally if he takes us all to some war.

Otherwise the union will survive in my view.

He's on the news now arguing about the size of the crowd. How you think he could save any day ever baffles me.
I think you are focusing far too much on the scab than the disease. As I said, he's in.

America right now will be a fascist country within 4-8 years. A lot of people think that.

What a lot of them don't think is that it will just as likely be a leftist movement rising to fascist power as it will be one from the "alt-right". Both sides are beyond fucked. On one side you've neo-nazi's and on the other you have sjw's who want everyone to do nothing unless it's explicitly in line with their group think on any given day on twitter.

It's a horrifying thought, but for me the single thing that prevents the collapse of the US in the next 8 years is Donald fucking Trump. If he actually pulls it off and creates jobs and prosperity for all people, races and classes then the left lose all sway in an election. If he does, the right will have no choice but to find a similar candidate-i.e. a self made person as opposed to a funded politician. If Trump fails, expect states to walk from the union, starting with California.

We live in a crazy, crazy world where I reckon we'll see The Rock contest the next US Presidency with Mark Zuckerberg. Madness.
I think you are focusing far too much on the scab than the disease. As I said, he's in.

America right now will be a fascist country within 4-8 years. A lot of people think that.

What a lot of them don't think is that it will just as likely be a leftist movement rising to fascist power as it will be one from the "alt-right". Both sides are beyond fucked. On one side you've neo-nazi's and on the other you have sjw's who want everyone to do nothing unless it's explicitly in line with their group think on any given day on twitter.

It's a horrifying thought, but for me the single thing that prevents the collapse of the US in the next 8 years is Donald fucking Trump. If he actually pulls it off and creates jobs and prosperity for all people, races and classes then the left lose all sway in an election. If he does, the right will have no choice but to find a similar candidate-i.e. a self made person as opposed to a funded politician. If Trump fails, expect states to walk from the union, starting with California.

We live in a crazy, crazy world where I reckon we'll see The Rock contest the next US Presidency with Mark Zuckerberg. Madness.
Kanye 2024
Oh ok gop'er the subsequent comments on our own flawed system attest to the fact that theres a discussion to be had but you're argument is akin to us beating totteringham tonight 5-4 but they get the points cos they won more corners and free kicks in key areas??? I didn't like either candidate but there is evidently a flaw when he polled 2.5 MILLION+ fewer votes and if we are to say the US a model of democracy we need to obviously brush over the fact that this is not the first time it's happened in fact, is it not twice out of the last four elections. Funny that the loser on those two occasions was a dem?

it might not be the best, but thats how it is. its done by states, if it was done by the popular vote then california and new york would pretty much overrule the rest of america, i dont know much about it, but I'm presuming thats one of the reasons why there is a electoral system ?. look at the map after the election swell, the majority of america actually turned republican.

he won the most votes, in the vast majority of states. if we had a similar system here that would mean london basically deciding who should be in power over the rest of the country,
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I have to say I don't know the exact cross over of posters but it's amusing that in the main forum there's huge threads on media misinformation, biased and inaccurate reporting about City with calls for Pep to ban journalists who lie about the club.

Yet at the same time in this thread CNN and their ilk are moral bastions who have never told a lie and don't have any agenda at all (they do).

The equivalence would be a spokesman angrily claiming a stadium was full when everyone with eyes can see it was over half empty. It doesn't effect the game so why even acknowledge and bring it up?

Just think that his first press conference since being made president, standing at the C.I.A offices in front of the stars representing dead service men and women....he chose to rant about inauguration numbers.
it might not be the best, but thats how it is. its done by states, if it was done by the popular vote then california and new york would pretty much overrule the rest of america, i dont know much about it, but I'm presuming thats one of the reasons why there is a electoral system ?. look at the map after the election swell, the majority of america actually turned republican.

In Trump's defense on this issue, he played it right. He's clearly stated several times that had the system being one focusing on a popular vote, his entire campaign approach would have been different, focusing on going to population hubs rather than ones with greater sway in the electoral column. Effectively, he out-Clintoned Clinton. Being a political shark was supposed to be her bread and butter but she completely fudged her campaign based on pure arrogance that she had certain places in the bag. Trump won black voters, he won democrats. He won people he had no business winning. How? Because he only had to point at how Hilary wasn't even concerned with getting their votes.
Comparing Clinton to Trump and saying they're as bad as each other, is like saying the common cold and advanced syphilis are the same.

They should have gone with Bernie but don't forget 4m more Americans voted for her. She won the vote. As unpopular as she was. 4m more chose her even after all the hacking and leaks.
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