Donald Trump

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Hilarious how I was told the tens of thousands of people attending his rallies compared to the 20 attending Hillary's was inconsequential yet now everyone is big in to it...


Comparisons to Obama's 08 innaugration are pretty pointless as his was a big spike due to him being the first black president.

But do you know what this crowd comparison really achieves? Nothing, he's still the president.

The numbers are not important. It's trumpet lying and throwing a hissy fit like the unhinged, petulant spoiled teenage prick is.

He is totally nuts.

The pictures and video evidence clearly show they are a group who lie even in the face of actual evidence.

That's the point. That's the mark of the man, a thin skinned, tiny handed, paranoid lying sex offending scumbag.

How can that be overlooked?

If a guy like him drank in your local would you be mates with him? A guy who boasted about sexually assaulting women?

Who mimicked disabled people for a laugh?

I just don't get how anybody can give the piece of shit headroom.

If it's economic policy you like, please enlighten me as to what it us and more importantly how he will do it when the republicans will not vote through a massive infrastructure spend.

How he will remove Obamacare would be helpful too without leaving the 30m who now have it out on the street?

A big chunk of them Trump voters.

Obliterate ISIS? Shows his complete lack of geopolitical astuteness.
Hilarious how I was told the tens of thousands of people attending his rallies compared to the 20 attending Hillary's was inconsequential yet now everyone is big in to it...


Comparisons to Obama's 08 innaugration are pretty pointless as his was a big spike due to him being the first black president.

But do you know what this crowd comparison really achieves? Nothing, he's still the president.

Then why lose your rag over it like a petulant bully and get your mates to go out and call them all liars ?? Enjoy the next 4 years thats all I can say coz when something goes wrong it won't be Trumps fault. We will know that coz him and his press secretary will tell us.
So it wasn't just a bad dream?

Donald Trump is PRESIDENT OF THE USA :-/

Bad dream/nightmare

He shat on every previous president as they sat beside him. He invoked the America First nazi 30's movement when he knew what it meant.

He's a psychotic moron. Not the best SP for a president unless it's of the KKK who love him.
The numbers are not important. It's trumpet lying and throwing a hissy fit like the unhinged, petulant spoiled teenage prick is.

He is totally nuts.

The pictures and video evidence clearly show they are a group who lie even in the face of actual evidence.

That's the point. That's the mark of the man, a thin skinned, tiny handed, paranoid lying sex offending scumbag.

How can that be overlooked?

If a guy like him drank in your local would you be mates with him? A guy who boasted about sexually assaulting women?

Who mimicked disabled people for a laugh?

I just don't get how anybody can give the piece of shit headroom.

If it's economic policy you like, please enlighten me as to what it us and more importantly how he will do it when the republicans will not vote through a massive infrastructure spend.

How he will remove Obamacare would be helpful too without leaving the 30m who now have it out on the street?

A big chunk of them Trump voters.

Obliterate ISIS? Shows his complete lack of geopolitical astuteness.
Great post.
The numbers are not important. It's trumpet lying and throwing a hissy fit like the unhinged, petulant spoiled teenage prick is.

He is totally nuts.

The pictures and video evidence clearly show they are a group who lie even in the face of actual evidence.

That's the point. That's the mark of the man, a thin skinned, tiny handed, paranoid lying sex offending scumbag.

How can that be overlooked?

If a guy like him drank in your local would you be mates with him? A guy who boasted about sexually assaulting women?

Who mimicked disabled people for a laugh?

I just don't get how anybody can give the piece of shit headroom.

If it's economic policy you like, please enlighten me as to what it us and more importantly how he will do it when the republicans will not vote through a massive infrastructure spend.

How he will remove Obamacare would be helpful too without leaving the 30m who now have it out on the street?

A big chunk of them Trump voters.

Obliterate ISIS? Shows his complete lack of geopolitical astuteness.

wouldn't waste your time arguing mate - all his supporters come back with - those soon to have no healthcare support etc - is he is going to make America Great Again. Has anybody actually benchmarked this so we know at what point it moves from shit through better and back into greatness? Or is that definition - like counting people at your inauguration - down to the administration Lol
Then why lose your rag over it like a petulant bully and get your mates to go out and call them all liars ?? Enjoy the next 8 years thats all I can say coz when something goes wrong it won't be Trumps fault. We will know that coz him and his press secretary will tell us.

I have to say I don't know the exact cross over of posters but it's amusing that in the main forum there's huge threads on media misinformation, biased and inaccurate reporting about City with calls for Pep to ban journalists who lie about the club.

Yet at the same time in this thread CNN and their ilk are moral bastions who have never told a lie and don't have any agenda at all (they do).
wouldn't waste your time arguing mate - all his supporters come back with - those soon to have no healthcare support etc - is he is going to make America Great Again. Has anybody actually benchmarked this so we know at what point it moves from shit through better and back into greatness? Or is that definition - like counting people at your inauguration - down to the administration Lol

If America crashes and burns he will claim it was the biggest and most terrific crash and burn ever.
Like it or not, he has the job. People need to respect that and give it 12 months to see what he's actually implementing.

Flapping already is just petulance.

The thing is, for him to do what he claims he will do, it will get a lot worse before it gets better. A lot.

If he closes the borders and implements the trade restrictions, inflation will hit crazy levels before it improves. I'm no fan of the man but I'm intelligent enough to see that his plan is so crazy it just might work. Capitalists are going to get very, very rich on the back of it, but what people need to realize is these will be capitalists that will have no choice but to build their businesses within the US border as opposed to the "made in china" brigade of the last 20-30 years.

So I'd advise everyone to think before you go off on one, because short term there'll be a fuck ton of reasons to go off on one, but what keeps me calm is the fact that the man is such an egotist that he'll genuinely want to be the man who fixes it all.
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