From what I was hearing/reading the other day, Trump did well last time with white suburban women(mums). Apparently 1) they byenlarge don't like him anymore, maybe they didn't in the first place but were very anti-Hillary Clinton* and 2) riots and stoking division doesn't play well with that demographic
In addition, voting and turnout will do for Trump. He won by 60 thoushand votes in 3 states last time. Surely if even just a few have chnaged their minds and turnout is larger he's had it?
Alomst 200 thousand people have died from something he called a 'hoax' and would go away like a 'miracle', surely that will do for him anyway??
*If you watch the "Hillary" documentary on Sky it shows that women(for a variety of reasons, lot's unfair) have had a problame with hter for 40 years. Such as not taking the Clinton name at first then no leaving him after the affairs