Donald Trump

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Well I understood that being President you aren't supposed to use the office to benefit financially yourself nor your family or friends but as well as promoting family brands he is playing the Japanese PM at gold twice over the weekend - both times on Trump courses !! ( maybe home advantage will help him beat Kim Jong Il's world record 38 under par round? )

As for Spicer you can see in his eyes even he is losing track of what lies he is trying to defend now - great news is its only 10th Feb - couple of weeks after his inauguration the rest of this term is gonna be mental

"weeks after his inauguration the rest of this term is gonna be mental

You missed out 'more'
I doubt it. Large European companies will have contacts in the EU and could possibly find out whether they wanted to screw us or not, and they'll also have the UK view from local politicians.
There's nothing to stop them pulling out during the negotiating phase if they get nervous. Companies of other nationalities may look for good offers to set up sites in the EU.
The EU is scared shitless than others may want out. They'll give us a hard time just to discourage the others.

Is there anything to stop us talking to say Spain before we leave about the detail of a trade treaty when we actually leave ?
I thought we had to negotiate with the EU as a whole rather than with individual member countries, but I might be wrong on that point.
Yep, you can't negotiate with Spain on their own, that's where the problems will start really - funny Spain was the one mentioned, they've no love for the UK over the whole Gibraltar issue and will be the biggest roadblock in discussions.
Is there anything to stop us talking to say Spain before we leave about the detail of a trade treaty when we actually leave ?
Possibly legally or officially but we are the worlds super power when it comes to 'soft power' i.e. deals done at dinner/words spoken in ears of the right people etc. You can bet your last penny there will be some form dialogue. In my opinion they are, i just don't have evidence for it. Life and logic tells me that is exactly what is happening. No chance everyone is twiddling their thumbs following some useless eu regulatory nonsense.
Spain will give us anything we want.............. they will just want Gib in return..........
It may happen by osmosis anyway. The passage of time could easily signal a change in popular opinion in Gibraltar itself. The way they voted on Brexit, the most important domestic decision for a generation, was totally at odds with the way the voting went in England and Wales. Can't see that differential on such a key issue not having a profound effect on each region's popular thinking and opinion making, long term. They'll simply grow apart from us, imo.
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