Donald Trump

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Amazing times we live in.

Whether Trump is nuts or not(spoiler, he is) the fact is half of America is basically working to commit treason.

Some of the utter shite I've read about Russian hackers is laughable.

Let me tell you something. I've used outlook express in my office for 6 years. I've had Chinese spam. Eastern european spam. Nigerian spam. Every scam under the sun.

But NEVER Russian spam.

Then a week after this Russian hacker nonsense begins, I suddenly start getting 20 scams per day from Russia. All not even trying to hide it. Full of russian text with .ru addresses. No English in the mails.

Now are you telling me that Russia is actually sending this junk, all of a sudden despite all these claims?

Of course they aren't. It's clearly coming from some intelligence directive from within the US to have us all believe the Russians are attacking everyone and want access to all our webcams. It's classic brainwashing.

Podesta got phished. It happens everyone. That is not Russian hacking.

American businessmen meeting with Russians is not some deep dark's called diplomacy or business depending on the day of the week.

What should scare folk is what if Trump actually brought a peace about with Russia, but ended up at odds with China/Korea? Because that's likely what's happening here.

And why were China buying their way into every major territory over the past decade?

While everyone was looking for jihadi bogeymen, democrats were selling the USA from right under the noses of the public. That's why these nut jobs like Bannon and Trump are willing to deal with Putin.

As I said, amazing times.
Amazing times we live in.

Whether Trump is nuts or not(spoiler, he is) the fact is half of America is basically working to commit treason.

Some of the utter shite I've read about Russian hackers is laughable.

Let me tell you something. I've used outlook express in my office for 6 years. I've had Chinese spam. Eastern european spam. Nigerian spam. Every scam under the sun.

But NEVER Russian spam.

Then a week after this Russian hacker nonsense begins, I suddenly start getting 20 scams per day from Russia. All not even trying to hide it. Full of russian text with .ru addresses. No English in the mails.

Now are you telling me that Russia is actually sending this junk, all of a sudden despite all these claims?

Of course they aren't. It's clearly coming from some intelligence directive from within the US to have us all believe the Russians are attacking everyone and want access to all our webcams. It's classic brainwashing.

Podesta got phished. It happens everyone. That is not Russian hacking.

American businessmen meeting with Russians is not some deep dark's called diplomacy or business depending on the day of the week.

What should scare folk is what if Trump actually brought a peace about with Russia, but ended up at odds with China/Korea? Because that's likely what's happening here.

And why were China buying their way into every major territory over the past decade?

While everyone was looking for jihadi bogeymen, democrats were selling the USA from right under the noses of the public. That's why these nut jobs like Bannon and Trump are willing to deal with Putin.

As I said, amazing times.

correct, its all done for a purpose.
Amazing times we live in.

Whether Trump is nuts or not(spoiler, he is) the fact is half of America is basically working to commit treason.

Some of the utter shite I've read about Russian hackers is laughable.

Let me tell you something. I've used outlook express in my office for 6 years. I've had Chinese spam. Eastern european spam. Nigerian spam. Every scam under the sun.

But NEVER Russian spam.

Then a week after this Russian hacker nonsense begins, I suddenly start getting 20 scams per day from Russia. All not even trying to hide it. Full of russian text with .ru addresses. No English in the mails.

Now are you telling me that Russia is actually sending this junk, all of a sudden despite all these claims?

Of course they aren't. It's clearly coming from some intelligence directive from within the US to have us all believe the Russians are attacking everyone and want access to all our webcams. It's classic brainwashing.

Podesta got phished. It happens everyone. That is not Russian hacking.

American businessmen meeting with Russians is not some deep dark's called diplomacy or business depending on the day of the week.

What should scare folk is what if Trump actually brought a peace about with Russia, but ended up at odds with China/Korea? Because that's likely what's happening here.

And why were China buying their way into every major territory over the past decade?

While everyone was looking for jihadi bogeymen, democrats were selling the USA from right under the noses of the public. That's why these nut jobs like Bannon and Trump are willing to deal with Putin.

As I said, amazing times.

So that's why Clattenburg is moving to China! It's all beginning to make sense now.
Amazing times we live in.

Whether Trump is nuts or not(spoiler, he is) the fact is half of America is basically working to commit treason.

Some of the utter shite I've read about Russian hackers is laughable.

Let me tell you something. I've used outlook express in my office for 6 years. I've had Chinese spam. Eastern european spam. Nigerian spam. Every scam under the sun.

But NEVER Russian spam.

Then a week after this Russian hacker nonsense begins, I suddenly start getting 20 scams per day from Russia. All not even trying to hide it. Full of russian text with .ru addresses. No English in the mails.

Now are you telling me that Russia is actually sending this junk, all of a sudden despite all these claims?

Of course they aren't. It's clearly coming from some intelligence directive from within the US to have us all believe the Russians are attacking everyone and want access to all our webcams. It's classic brainwashing.

Podesta got phished. It happens everyone. That is not Russian hacking.

American businessmen meeting with Russians is not some deep dark's called diplomacy or business depending on the day of the week.

What should scare folk is what if Trump actually brought a peace about with Russia, but ended up at odds with China/Korea? Because that's likely what's happening here.

And why were China buying their way into every major territory over the past decade?

While everyone was looking for jihadi bogeymen, democrats were selling the USA from right under the noses of the public. That's why these nut jobs like Bannon and Trump are willing to deal with Putin.

As I said, amazing times.
You need a better email filter, I use outlook and don't have any problems with spam, if I discount the shite the CEO sends out on a weekly basis (automatically redirected into trash at this stage anyway).
Amazing times we live in.

Whether Trump is nuts or not(spoiler, he is) the fact is half of America is basically working to commit treason.

Some of the utter shite I've read about Russian hackers is laughable.

Let me tell you something. I've used outlook express in my office for 6 years. I've had Chinese spam. Eastern european spam. Nigerian spam. Every scam under the sun.

But NEVER Russian spam.

Then a week after this Russian hacker nonsense begins, I suddenly start getting 20 scams per day from Russia. All not even trying to hide it. Full of russian text with .ru addresses. No English in the mails.

Now are you telling me that Russia is actually sending this junk, all of a sudden despite all these claims?

Of course they aren't. It's clearly coming from some intelligence directive from within the US to have us all believe the Russians are attacking everyone and want access to all our webcams. It's classic brainwashing.

Podesta got phished. It happens everyone. That is not Russian hacking.

American businessmen meeting with Russians is not some deep dark's called diplomacy or business depending on the day of the week.

What should scare folk is what if Trump actually brought a peace about with Russia, but ended up at odds with China/Korea? Because that's likely what's happening here.

And why were China buying their way into every major territory over the past decade?

While everyone was looking for jihadi bogeymen, democrats were selling the USA from right under the noses of the public. That's why these nut jobs like Bannon and Trump are willing to deal with Putin.

As I said, amazing times.

Whilst there are hackers from every 'Developed' country, that doesn't go to explaining why the picks by Trump, including Trump himself, are super coy about their links with Russia! If it's all business, declare it! Let's see your tax returns!

As for China, they're just being smart and investing in other countries. City have links and vice versa.

Should the club be investigated too??

If China are also investing into other countries, should those countries not take the money??
You need a better email filter, I use outlook and don't have any problems with spam, if I discount the shite the CEO sends out on a weekly basis (automatically redirected into trash at this stage anyway).

It's all going to trash and I monitor a publicly available email address, my own internal one gets nada thankfully.
Whilst there are hackers from every 'Developed' country, that doesn't go to explaining why the picks by Trump, including Trump himself, are super coy about their links with Russia! If it's all business, declare it! Let's see your tax returns!

As for China, they're just being smart and investing in other countries. City have links and vice versa.

Should the club be investigated too??

If China are also investing into other countries, should those countries not take the money??

A football club is nothing mate. They've been absorbing currencies and national debts. You have to ask why.
Whilst there are hackers from every 'Developed' country, that doesn't go to explaining why the picks by Trump, including Trump himself, are super coy about their links with Russia! If it's all business, declare it! Let's see your tax returns!

As for China, they're just being smart and investing in other countries. City have links and vice versa.

Should the club be investigated too??

If China are also investing into other countries, should those countries not take the money??

"Russia! If it's all business, declare it! Let's see your tax returns!"

Yes, why so reluctant. If he is so successful, so clean on Russia?

Thus us a guy who brags about sexually assaulting women. Don't you think if his tax returns showed him in a good, successful light he would be bragging about them and holding them up so all his fans could point and say, look he's brilliant?

I think so too.

The egotistical megalomaniacal sex offending bastard, would have Fox Sake News read them out line by fucking line, as he sat there with Bill O'Really giving him a blowjob, whilst he cupped Sean Hannitays tiny balls in his tiny lying hands.

His tax returns hold terrors for the vodka pish soaked gimp and the sooner they are revealed the sooner the Trumpster does a bit of porridge.
A football club is nothing mate. They've been absorbing currencies and national debts. You have to ask why.

Is the real problem China, then? Last I heard, even though China's economy was suffering, it's far more buoyant then everything else, so makes it less competitive. As far as I know, they're just being smart.

I found this 2 mins ago...
The United States has had the world’s largest economy for about 140 years, and it roughly accounts for 22% of global GDP. However, in recent times China has overtaken the US by at least one measure of total economic strength, which is GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP).

Either way you slice it, the economies are the two strongest globally in absolute terms.

That’s where the similarities end. While comparable in total size, the makeup of each economy is totally different. United States is a sophisticated and highly diversified economy that is based on services, finance, and consumption from the middle class. China has similar aspirations in the future, but right now it is resource-intensive growth engine making the transition from a manufacturing hub to a consumer-driven economy.

I can't remember the other reason why China are having problems, offhand, but right now they are being smart with their current economic status.
"Russia! If it's all business, declare it! Let's see your tax returns!"

Yes, why so reluctant. If he is so successful, so clean on Russia?

Thus us a guy who brags about sexually assaulting women. Don't you think if his tax returns showed him in a good, successful light he would be bragging about them and holding them up so all his fans could point and say, look he's brilliant?

I think so too.

The egotistical megalomaniacal sex offending bastard, would have Fox Sake News read them out line by fucking line, as he sat there with Bill O'Really giving him a blowjob, whilst he cupped Sean Hannitays tiny balls in his tiny lying hands.

His tax returns hold terrors for the vodka pish soaked gimp and the sooner they are revealed the sooner the Trumpster does a bit of porridge.
Personally I think he won't release them because they would debunk the myth that he's even worth the $3.7bn estimated by Forbes never mind the $10bn+ he says he's worth. His narcissism needs people to believe he's up there with the richest people in the world. If it came out that he's not even in the top 10,000 richest people never mind the 324th as estimated by Forbes he'd be devastated. The truth about his multiple dodgy dealings in Russia and other dubious countries would be a minor inconvenience by comparison even if it were enough to get him impeached.
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