Donald Trump

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There's more evidence for evolution by natural selection than there is for the theory of heliocentricity.

Your friend studying the very incomplete work of Darwin from 158 years ago does not change that one bit. 'On the origin of the species' has many flaws (one of which being the fact he believed the earth to be 600m years old) but he did open the subject up.

It's now the most studied area of nature and with all due respect for your friend, anyone that remotely suggests equal billing for evolution (which is provable) with the creation myth, wants sectioning.
I was thinking the same, pal. Saying a visit to the Galápagos Islands is in anyway determinative as to the reliability of the theory of evolution, is like saying you have to visit Israel to properly evaluate the Bible.
Samuel Johnson said that " Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel ".
This statement has yet to be disproved as far as I understand.
Donald Trump would appear to be the embodiment of this phrase , has there ever been a more appropriate word to describe a man, as ,"Scoundrel ?"
That is what Donald Trump is, a scoundrel, the Del Boy of politics. A wide boy, a bluffer and a chancer.
How long can this charade of a presidency continue?
Come on you good American people, wake up and get this fraud impeached, before he does irreparable damage to your global respect and standing.
Before "America First " becomes "America WORST!".
That Trump press conference was astonishing. The man is certifiably insane. He's also got the vocabulary of a 10 year old child. If he didn't sound so monumentally fucking stupid, some of the things he says would be genuinely terrifying.
out of curiosity, do you believe that someone who does not teach the darwinian theory of truth, must necessarily be teaching falsehood? Just that
I have a friend who has studied his work in depth and found it to be somewhat flawed. (And she has an intelligence so bright that, with genuine respect for your intelligence, she could tear both of us to pieces - in a way that you just have to sit there, laugh and applaud)

If she thinks the Theory of Evolution is flawed, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but I'm afraid she isn't as clever as you think.

It's a fact. End of.
If she thinks the Theory of Evolution is flawed, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but I'm afraid she isn't as clever as you think.

It's a fact. End of.
Or is it just a perception? Enjoy your closed world and what Donald will do for it ;)
I was thinking the same, pal. Saying a visit to the Galápagos Islands is in anyway determinative as to the reliability of the theory of evolution, is like saying you have to visit Israel to properly evaluate the Bible.
Christ on a fucking bike - it was meant more as a 'colour comment' to suggest that she had more than just a passing interest.
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