Donald Trump

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You have schools that refuse to teach evolution bud.
out of curiosity, do you believe that someone who does not teach the darwinian theory of truth, must necessarily be teaching falsehood? Just that
I have a friend who has studied his work in depth and found it to be somewhat flawed. (And she has an intelligence so bright that, with genuine respect for your intelligence, she could tear both of us to pieces - in a way that you just have to sit there, laugh and applaud)
out of curiosity, do you believe that someone who does not teach the darwinian theory of truth, must necessarily be teaching falsehood? Just that
I have a friend who has studied his work in depth and found it to be somewhat flawed. (And she has an intelligence so bright that, with genuine respect for your intelligence, she could tear both of us to pieces - in a way that you just have to sit there, laugh and applaud)
Whilst his work may seem flawed to some its not off the wall whacky like Creationism, people teaching that should be in Bedlam
out of curiosity, do you believe that someone who does not teach the darwinian theory of truth, must necessarily be teaching falsehood? Just that
I have a friend who has studied his work in depth and found it to be somewhat flawed. (And she has an intelligence so bright that, with genuine respect for your intelligence, she could tear both of us to pieces - in a way that you just have to sit there, laugh and applaud)
Does she not believe in evolution then ?
In a strange way I'm glad that he's staying on message, being reigned in, etc. At least we'll get a bit of piece and qu....
  • Trump: The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @abc, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!
Unfair to the mentally ill! "It is a stigmatising insult to the mentally ill (who are mostly well behaved and well meaning) to be lumped with Mr Trump (who is neither)."
Does she not believe in evolution then ?
Don't think that even darwin would agree with what has come to be commonly known as the 'theory of evolution.' And there is a suggestion
that his work was, err, 'spicered up' for various political reasons - even in those times, let alone now.
Whilst his work may seem flawed to some its not off the wall whacky like Creationism, people teaching that should be in Bedlam
Don't particularly disagree with you. Is more a case that someone I respect - who happened to spend quite a bit of time in the Galapagos Islands - opened my eyes to the idea that
the theory of evolution might not be all that it has been cracked up to be in terms of 'absolute truth.'
Don't think that even darwin would agree with what has come to be commonly known as the 'theory of evolution.' And there is a suggestion
that his work was, err, 'spicered up' for various political reasons - even in those times, let alone now.
I'm not denying that "spicing up" was done or that everything about evolution is fully understood, I give you an example though, the Jewel wasp, if that didn't evolve there must a very twisted God up there.
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