Donald Trump

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"Mr. Trump, there are protests starting around the country demanding you not be president"

"Haha, so?"

"....they have papier-mâché effigies of you sir...and a couple of them are wearing jester hats and guy fawkes masks"

"Dear god..Type my resignation immediately"

This could be another good script for The Simpsons, sixteen years on from the last one!
Yeah but Donald wasn't going to accept the result if he lost so you can't blame these folks.

Big difference between excepting the result and violent protests, it seems the left haven't worked this out aare the liberals the new nazis? except my point of view or the kitty gets it
(Disclaimer no cats were hurt in the making of this post)
Big difference between excepting the result and violent protests, it seems the left haven't worked this out aare the liberals the new nazis? except my point of view or the kitty gets it
(Disclaimer no cats were hurt in the making of this post)
Are you not liberal?
There are plenty of democrats who are more than happy with the system as long as it puts them in the majority. Brexit and US election were won by narrow margins, and the losers always seem to think that if it is so close they are entitled to a re-run, or that those who were in the majority are somehow mentally deficient.

Have a look on YouTube for Michael Moore's four minute piece from four months ago where he called Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin the 'Brexit States'!

Understand completely mate, but I'd rather not watch any of the bollocks Michael Moore spouts
Because the BBC (or State Controlled Television as I prefer to call it) and most other aspects of the MSM is dominated by a metropolitan liberal elite who are so narrow minded and intolerant due to the brainwashing they've received that they can't even comprehend that people will have views and opinions different to their own?

These people are the new ''useful idiots'' of the Neo-liberal Globalists that have taken control of Western governments and economies in the last 2 decades
Anyone posting about Neo-liberal Globalists and metropolitan liberal elites is surely being ironic when talking about other people being brainwashed.
Good post.

Michael Moore however is a vile shill who does more to get his republican buddies elected than any campaign ad ever.

Moore has dollar signs before his eyes. He's thinking of his next documentary or book about things going wrong under Trump.
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