Donald Trump

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Well the democrats are 'supposedly' left wing but in reality both parties are slightly to the right of beelzebub.

Thats the point I was making, they arent left wing at all, it would be funny to see someone like Corbyn try and get elected over there, he wouldnt be invited to any debates, would struggle to get 1% of the vote and might end up in a CIA black site out of America after being thought of as a Russian spy.
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I just watched this. He called it:

Say what you like about Michael Moore, that man does his research an has insights that most of the New York/LA media bubble don't.
The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.
Karl Marx
Brian Cox doesn't like this.

Starts at 15 mins

Would that be the Brian Cox who got a D in his A-level physics and who has no qualifications relating to atmospheric physics whatsoever. Oh yes, him.

Listen, we're way off topic here and perhaps should debate this on another thread. But whereas there is no question that the vast majority of scientists agree about anthropogenic climate change, it is also true that the vast majority of scientists have no relevant qualifications nor expertise and have simply gone with the flow. It's so "uncool" to question it, that no-one who values their reputation dares speak against it. It's become a political movement more than a scientific debate.

There was some cretin on the BBC the other day saying (and I quote), "it's sobering to think that we only have 100 harvests left". The implication being that in his idiot opinion, all vegetation will be wiped out in 100 years (because of the 2 degree temperature rise). It really beggars belief how anyone could be that stupid.
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When did the term 'Liberal' become an adjective used in the pejorative?

Believe that homophobia shouldn't be allowed?
Believe in gender equality?
Believe in racial equality?

Then funnily enough, you too are one of those wishy washy Liberals.

I consider myself to be liberal but not wishy washy liberal. I think they're different.
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