Donald Trump

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Our very own version of Silvio Berlusconi. Even owned a professional football club once to further the comparison. (New Jersey Generals - USFL).

I swear, if more people looked at him like this (oligarch buffoon/fool) rather than as "LITERALLY HITLER!!!!!!!" I think he would be even more marginalized and ineffective than he is already. And probably people in this country would be less utterly insane and at one another's throats for no good reason.

Hey, Democrats and Republicans. How about less "bombing the whole world" and more "get us a first-world health care system." Not going to happen from either political party of course, but would be nice.
I'm just wondering which good English speaking foreigner with high educational skills are going to decide 'Fook it, I'm picking fruit and cotton for a living!'?!

It's INSANE what is happening and it's going to be a similar situation when 'Brexit' happens.

Who's going to do the menial crap at the dirt bottom of the pay scale...??
I'm just wondering which good English speaking foreigner with high educational skills are going to decide 'Fook it, I'm picking fruit and cotton for a living!'?!

It's INSANE what is happening and it's going to be a similar situation when 'Brexit' happens.

Who's going to do the menial crap at the dirt bottom of the pay scale...??

Until minimum wage is higher than benefits.....nobody.
Transcripts of calls are now out - WP has them. He asked the Mexican President to stop telling the press Mexico wouldn't pay for the wall ha ha ha - fucking charlatan

Personally I found the Ross Turnbull (Australia PM) call the funniest. I'd just been perusing theonion's Trump Files, which aren't bad:

....but not a patch on the real thing:

TRUMP: Does anybody know who these people are? Who are they? Where do they come from? Are they going to become the Boston bomber in five years? Or two years? Who are these people?

TURNBULL: Let me explain. We know exactly who they are. They have been on Nauru or Manus for over three years and the only reason we cannot let them into Australia is because of our commitment to not allow people to come by boat. Otherwise we would have let them in. If they had arrived by airplane and with a tourist visa then they would be here.

TRUMP: Malcom [sic], but they are arrived on a boat?

TURNBULL: Correct, we have stopped the boats.

Trump at one point asked, "What is the thing with boats? Why do you discriminate against boats?"

"This is going to kill me," Trump said of the deal. "I am the world’s greatest person that does not want to let people into the country. And now I am agreeing to take 2,000 people and I agree I can vet them, but that puts me in a bad position. It makes me look so bad and I have only been here a week."

"With great respect, that is not right – It is not 2,000" (<----The figure is 1250)

"I have also heard like 5,000 as well,"

TRUMP: Give them to the United States. We are like a dumping ground for the rest of the world. I have been here for a period of time, I just want this to stop. I look so foolish doing this. It [sic] know it is good for you but it is bad for me. It is horrible for me. This is what I am trying to stop. I do not want to have more San Bernardino’s or World Trade Centers. I could name 30 others, but I do not have enough time.

TURNBULL: These guys are not in that league. They are economic refugees.

TRUMP:Okay, good. Can Australia give me a guarantee that if we have any problems – you know that is what they said about the Boston bombers. They said they were wonderful young men.

TURNBULL: They were Russians. They were not from any of these countries.

TRUMP: They were from wherever they were.

"I guarantee you they are bad. That is why they are in prison right now. They are not going to be wonderful people who go on to work for the local milk people," Trump said.

"I would not be so sure about that," Turnbull replied. "They are basically —"

"Well, maybe you should let them out of prison," Trump responded.

TRUMP: I do not know where they find these people to make these stupid deals. I am going to get killed on this thing.

TURNBULL: You will not.

TRUMP: Yes, I will be seen as a weak and ineffective leader in my first week by these people. This is a killer.

TURNBULL: You can certainly say that it was not a deal that you would have done, but you are going to stick with it.

TRUMP: I have no choice to say that about it. Malcom [sic], I am going to say that I have no choice but to honor my predecessor’s deal. I think it is a horrible deal, a disgusting deal that I would have never made. It is an embarrassment to the United States of America and you can say it just the way I said it. I will say it just that way. As far as I am concerned that is enough Malcom [sic]. I have had it. I have been making these calls all day and this is the most unpleasant call all day. Putin was a pleasant call. This is ridiculous.

TURNBULL: Do you want to talk about Syria and DPRK?

TRUMP: [inaudible] this is crazy.

TURNBULL: Thank you for your commitment. It is very important to us.

TRUMP: It is important to you and it is embarrassing to me. It is an embarrassment to me, but at least I got you off the hook. So you put me back on the hook.

TURNBULL: You can count on me. I will be there again and again.

TRUMP: I hope so. Okay, thank you Malcolm.

TURNBULL: Okay, thank you.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Thank you to Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS media lied about. Very nice!

11:34 AM - 03 Feb 2017
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Our very own version of Silvio Berlusconi. Even owned a professional football club once to further the comparison. (New Jersey Generals - USFL).

I swear, if more people looked at him like this (oligarch buffoon/fool) rather than as "LITERALLY HITLER!!!!!!!" I think he would be even more marginalized and ineffective than he is already. And probably people in this country would be less utterly insane and at one another's throats for no good reason.

Hey, Democrats and Republicans. How about less "bombing the whole world" and more "get us a first-world health care system." Not going to happen from either political party of course, but would be nice.

Oh boy...





Trump is being isolated on all sides! Now that it's come out that Robert Mueller is going to seek a 'Grand Jury' at the end of his investigation, the clock is going to start ticking in earnest!

Congress is standing up to Trump, all his major aides from the original campaign are lawyered up to fook, approval ratings sliding and proof positive that he's a pathological liar, it's going to be a bloodbath for someone!!

He can't fire Mueller now cos he's waited too long.

Sweet bells of mercy, I love this 'President'!!!
He has reverted to type and gone for another cuddle amongst friends by holding yet another rally aimed at brainwashing the loons the who voted for him. Clearly he needs to relive the campaign over and over again because that is the only setting in which he feels comfortable, making noise to sympathetic ears and acting like a demagogue. There will be more and more of this as the wave of shit rolls over him
Oh boy...





Trump is being isolated on all sides! Now that it's come out that Robert Mueller is going to seek a 'Grand Jury' at the end of his investigation, the clock is going to start ticking in earnest!

Congress is standing up to Trump, all his major aides from the original campaign are lawyered up to fook, approval ratings sliding and proof positive that he's a pathological liar, it's going to be a bloodbath for someone!!

He can't fire Mueller now cos he's waited too long.

Sweet bells of mercy, I love this 'President'!!!

Grand Jury has already been set up (as they in America Impaneled) In the American Justice system a Grand Jury (consists of 23 I think) gathers evidence / interviews people (without the support of a lawyer) / issues Subpoenas (warrants) for documents / telephone records etc and assists and is directed by a Prosecutor. It is not a Trial Jury. They are normally in place for about 18 months. The most significant thing is that they have to be set up in the area (jurisdiction) that the crime took place.
He has reverted to type and gone for another cuddle amongst friends by holding yet another rally aimed at brainwashing the loons the who voted for him. Clearly he needs to relive the campaign over and over again because that is the only setting in which he feels comfortable, making noise to sympathetic ears and acting like a demagogue. There will be more and more of this as the wave of shit rolls over him

His latest approval rating is 37%. Which is historically low for a President at such an early stage in his presidency. But it still seems to be incredibly high given the sheer chaos of his presidency so far.
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