Donald Trump

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Since his inauguration Trump has tweeted 2071 times, played golf 41 times, spent 53 days at leisure and passed 0 pieces of major legislation.

Hopefully he'll keep this up because the less time he spends getting involved in governing the country the less chance there is that he will screw up the economy. Fortunately he's about to start another 17 day vacation.
Incy, you're on the verge of spamming, give it a rest!

I don't suppose anyone remembers me mentioning Cambridge Analytica?

Mike Flynn, the one who did get sacked for misleading Pence over his russia contacts, has just disclosed his links to this data mining/demographic analysis operation. Kushner is in there as well. Bannon and Brietbart. This is the same firm that worked with Farage on Brexit. Farage, who is the only person I am aware of to visit Julian Assange in his suite at the Ecquadorian Embassy. - not even once.

(If that comes accross as smug, believe me, I am astonished that my initial interpretation of the events and players still holds up today. It was all so depressing... so patently clear, yet unverifiable, I thought I must be wrong, as usual)

This whole thing might be the stress-test, the wake up call America needed. The strength of the country, of the democracy, is in its institutions, not it's leaders. But fuck me, Britain is stuck with a Putin-sponsored Brexit.
@bboy Spamming? They're not Emails thought this was the Trump thread? I will like you say give it a rest...

Anti Brexiters unite thread this should be called..
@bboy Spamming? They're not Emails thought this was the Trump thread? I will like you say give it a rest...

Anti Brexiters unite thread this should be called..
Yes and if you've got something to say about Trump, why don't you just say it. You don't have to reproduce his twitter feed on here. If anyone wants to see his incoherent tweets they know where to look.
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