Donald Trump

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Just like brexit, at least the people on the losing side can console themselves that they are so much cleverer than everyone else, and in fact their view is too clever for the majority of the nation (who are all stupid racists) to understand.
You've not nailed this whole majority lark.

Fucking part timers rolling up to out thread without a fucking clue who is banned and why and with no idea what we are talking about.

Starting to think you may be the super silliest.
And? both Clinton's and Trump's campaigns were targeted to produce a win under the existing system. They would have altered their approaches to achieve a win under another system and we don't know what this would have produced.
I was correcting the poster who said the majority of America voted for the orange one as that wasn't correct
I am not pissed off that Hiliary lost but i am more hacked off that the vile orange one did,if you can be abusive to just about everyone and be elected the most powerful man in the world then they have lost their tiny minds
The popular vote is irrelevant as nobody knows what the true count would have been, even in the context of people referring to the majority. There would have been states where voters didn't bother because they knew their vote meant 'nothing', like a republicans vote means nothing in New York or California etc...
They had the figures on sky earlier and of those who voted she got more votes,that was the only point i was making,it seems a weird way to have an election to me
That's still 20 billion dollars unless they don't get their hand out anymore. Of course Londoners are thick, haven't you watched Eastenders! ?

Give yourself ten minutes on wiki and see all the discoverys we've had due to the space programme. We've made out money back and then some.


So he's the reason Joe left? Does Bill know?
Even then i'd disagree, that wasn't the system on which the election was being judged. My point was that the current system probably skewed who actually voted and who didn't, meaning that majority vote is pretty much a false truth. It's true more people voted for Clinton but we don't know how many voters the current system turned away due to knowing that there was no chance their side was winning in a certain state.
Yeah none of that matters. The majority did not vote for Trump. That is what Karen said and I've also said in reply to a post claiming the majority had. Which they hadn't.

I don't care about the system or how you feel about it. The majority, did not, vote for him. That doesn't make his presidency any less legitimate. But he did not receive the majority of the votes.
You don't honestly believe that do you? Not being rude but have you ever looked into her foundations in detail? She has been and continues to be involved in a lot of dodgy stuff along with Podesta and other high profile Americans that are very involved with kids, maybe not in the way you would like to imagine, the company she keeps would ensure my kids were nowhere near her! She's also a known ISIS sympathiser, sick of all this rubbish about her being the modern day Mother Theresa as it just utter bollocks.

He likes pasta with walnut sauce for dinner I heard...
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