Donald Trump

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I think it was Martin Luther King who said "Riots are the voices of the unheard" to me Trump, Brexit and all the other populist movements around the Western World are a result of the unheard the victims of global free markets it's going to get worst until it gets better
Trump promised them jobs in small town America where the skills are primarily factory workers and who jobs have been outsourced to cheaper labour countries whose workforce have been trained sufficiently well to do the job at a fraction of the price that would have to be paid to workers in America.

He said that he will impose massive tariffs on companies that want to produce products in places like India and subsequently sell them in America.

iPhones are mainly manufactured in China and are already expensive. If these phones were to be produced in America these additional labour costs would have to be passed on to the consumer who may not be willing to pay in large enough numbers so the 'nameless faceless' corporations simply won't do it. Are Trump supporters willing to pay more for these products? Will these corporations relocate to small towns with a limited workforce who don't have a range of skills?

He has promised to basically reduce all taxes - - and in turn this will stimulate the American economy and the overall tax take will remain the same and they will take a smaller percentage from a greater pool of money. Fantastic if it works out like that but very unlikely to do so.

In a nutshell, people didn't vote against the establishment, they voted for the guy who shouted the loudest that he will get them jobs, even when its obvious to most people with a bit of knowledge that this is a long shot, most of the people who will benefit from this are not going to read in detail a candidates manifesto, they simply want something to be done to improve their lives.

Clinton didn't make promises she couldn't keep.

People didn't think if Trump could keep his promises just that any chance was better than no chance.

Desperate people will grasp any strand of hope they can get. How do you explain to these people that they are being sold a false promise and that they have little to no hope of their lives improving so they better learn a new skill or relocate - all while trying to support their family as best they can on a low salary if they have any salary at all.

Clintons campaign doesn't understand large percentages of the electorate and this is one time that the little guy has a chance to make his voice heard.

Now we just have to wait and see how much Trump can get done while hopefully not making the situation worse.

Its a gamble a lot of people are willing to take because as Trump pointed out to the black demographic "What do you have to lose"?

Is this not basically the thinking that the pro Brexiters had? The slogan take back control was used a lot but how many people could tell you what they were supposed to be taking back control of, and at what price?

Lets not touch on the issue that both results might simply have been anti-immigration... some because of their beliefs and some because it reduces competition for a limited number of jobs.
Hiliary got more popular votes than the orange **** so the majority did not vote for trump
Carry on..
And? both Clinton's and Trump's campaigns were targeted to produce a win under the existing system. They would have altered their approaches to achieve a win under another system and we don't know what this would have produced.
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