They're a pair together Trump and Jong-Un, with the outcome likely to be disastrous. It's hard to take either seriously, which makes the fact that they both have the ability to obliterate each other and everybody else all that more frightening.
Trump is talking like someone who's about to have a scrap outside a pub with a bloke who's spilt his pint, not the president of one of the nuclear powerhouses trying to resolve a nuclear war. His tweets are unbelievable, could you imagine Ronald Ragan in his day sending a telegram to the Ayatollah calling him a **** or George Bush Senior ringing Saddam Hussein from a phone box calling him a twat, it sounds ridiculous but it's happening. Those advising Trump need to tell him that social media isn't meant for comments, negotiation or communication in a situation like this and that if action is to be taken its advisable not to give the enemy the heads up.