Donald Trump

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Jews are also massively overrepresented in both Houses and the Supreme Court.

Explain your problem with this.

30 Jews out of 535 in Congress is massive over representation? (It's disproportionate but massive over-representation?) I'm not sure who has a problem with this except you.

Whereas 80% of Congress is male, and most of them are white. That's the problem, and Trump under the US is not likely to encourage more women. There are just 6 Republican women senators.
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30 Jews out of 535 in Congress is massive over representation? (It's disproportionate but massive over-representation but massive?)

Seriously? Semantics? It's a 400% overrepresentation.

Whereas 80% of Congress is male, and most of them are white. That's the problem,

Why? The US is 77% white depending on how you define "white" (which in itself is totally pointless).

You see here's why it always goes in that direction eventually. Because however you slice it, the underlying logic is that people of certain races are needed to protect that race because others won't. And that's racist logic.

I'd be perfectly happy with a Parliament full of black (non-conservative) Muslim women because their race, gender or religion has little bearing on their ability to look out for me because they're actual human beings and not a statistic. I give a shit about their politics and not what is in between their legs or how brown they are. If you don't trust people of other races to actually care about you as equally as your own race, then that's your prejudices kicking in. But don't ascribe that behaviour to an entire race.

And when you start using racist logic, talking about representation based on a protected characteristic such as race or gender, it always ends up with the Jews getting fucked. Or it did pretty much every time in the last 2000 years anyway. The Soviets who followed this logic did, the Nazis who followed this logic did, the English, Italians, French, various Arab states, the Romans, the Mamluks and Ottomans, the Holy Roman Empire, the Babylonians, too. South America, various African nations, Eastern Europe, hell even Australia had a bit of a go once.

But this time will be different.

Spoiler: No it won't.
I'm not sure who has a problem with this except you.

Just a point on this - a Democratic councillor (a highly left wing black male seems as so you pay attention to this stuff) very recently claimed that Jewish bankers control the weather.

Anti-Semitism is much more prevalent on the far right than the far left, but it exists and always grows when people start moving down the identity politics route. Again, it happened in the UK too. It will happen in the US aswell.

The so called "slut walks" already banned the Star of David as a symbol of oppression. The American far left opinion on Israel is incredibly anti-Semitic.

I could literally hit the post limit for the forum showing recent incidents of it on the far right.

One of the problems with anti-Semitism is that it creeps up on you as a society, nobody seems to go from 0 to Holocaust overnight. And it's never a one sided thing, horseshoe theory applies, the message from the right is the call to action, the message from the left is the justification.

The steps are (very generally):

  • Fuck rich people
  • Fuck powerful people
  • Fuck rich people of this race specifically
  • We need more of my or other races to be rich
  • We need more of my or other races to be powerful
  • There's too many of this race who are powerful
  • Oh hey, look, Jews.
We're at about step 5. It will get to step 7.
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But how are we going to spot these Jews, I mean the sneaky fuckers look just like you or I?

I wonder if the far left consider Jews "white"?

I think the answer to that will probably illuminate some minds here.
I wonder if the far left consider Jews "white"?

I think the answer to that will probably illuminate some minds here.
That's an interesting one. The far right and left certainly consider Jews "clever" as they (in their view) can control all these networks that hold the levers of power whereas non-whites are seen (by the far right) as their inferiors. The left, being internationalists, don't really do the "go back to your own country" thing like the right do and don't feel that Israel should be mainly or exclusively run for the benefit of Jews, although they never seem to have the same reservation about countries like Saudi Arabia, where there are cities that non-Muslims aren't even allowed to set foot in. Apartheid anyone?

But I think you've misunderstood the original point that ChicagoBlue made. I suspect he meant rich, powerful, Ivy League, WASP American men - the Frat house brats, Bullingdon Club equivalents - whose wealth and power, as we've seen with Trump himself, makes them think they can get away with virtually anything including sexual assault. If the Chappaquiddick incident involving Edward Kennedy and the death of Mary Jo Kopechne had instead seen a black man driving the car, does anyone think the black guy would only have got a 2-month suspended jail sentence like Kennedy did?

I visited the National Holocaust Museum in Washington back in June and it illustrated two themes for me. The first was that the language & demagoguery used by Hitler and the Nazis in coming to power was eerily echoed by Trump and his supporters. "Putting Germany First", "Making Germany Great" "The rest of the world has taken advantage of us financially", the twisting of facts and outright lies. I mentioned it to my host that night and he (a Democrat) agreed wholeheartedly.

The other side of it was the way the Nazis created a state of fear among the Jews and gradually isolated them, while unleashing what had been up to then mostly latent antisemitism among the German public. Hitler himself had a period of not showing much overt antisemitism for diplomatic reasons but he certainly didn't discourage his underlings in that regard. He certainly wasn't a Zionist as the thought of a Jewish state, with a vote at the League of Nations, was anathema to him. He wanted Germany's Jews gone but not to a country of their own. And that largely reflects the current far left attitude. They're happy to create an element of fear in the Jewish community but they don't want them to strengthen Israel by emigrating there as they don't want the existence of an Israeli state. But I should point out that I don't believe that either the current left or Trump would go down the same path that the Nazis did.

There was another interesting conversation I had in Washington, this time with someone I know who works at the Israeli embassy. There's a view that the US "Israel lobby" is all-powerful in the US but they told me that the view in the Embassy was that Americans aren't as sympathetic to Israel as people imagined. The religious right tend to be but they can also be a bit sniffy about the Jews themselves. The ambassador there was very much a Netanyahu man but there was a sense I got that even he was getting a bit nervous.

So I certainly agree that it can be disturbingly easy to transition from 'the rich' to 'the Jews' but there is a class of people in the USA who you can refer to disparagingly in the former sense without meaning the latter.
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