Donald Trump

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The second you mention colour, regardless of what colour it is its bigotry!

There are TWO females and how many blacks in the Senate Republican ranks again?

I’d call it A FACT, but you can call it blind bigotry if you want to look silly.

Oops, too late!

There are TWO females and how many blacks in the Senate Republican ranks again?

I’d call it A FACT, but you can call it blind bigotry if you want to look silly.

Oops, too late!

I'd be tired coming out with the crap you are as well.

You want to mention colour, its bigoted its that simple.

I've actually zero interest in American politics but it doesn't mean you get to be bigoted without someone pulling you up on it.
The second you mention colour, regardless of what colour it is its bigotry!
It was in reply to a post about changing fucking demographics. So why not go back a post or two and have a go at the twat that mentioned demographics!!!
I'd be tired coming out with the crap you are as well.

You want to mention colour, its bigoted its that simple.

I've actually zero interest in American politics but it doesn't mean you get to be bigoted without someone pulling you up on it.
Horse shit.

One poster mentioned the Reps need to make sure the Supreme Court is hard right to counter “liberal policies and changing demographics.”

You didn’t pull said poster up on that did you?

CB (who I often disagree with) countered his post and his post was perfectly reasonable and not remotely bigoted. You spent too much time in SA where mention of race IS bigoted as a rule. He was stating facts.
Horse shit.

One poster mentioned the Reps need to make sure the Supreme Court is hard right to counter “liberal policies and changing demographics.”

You didn’t pull said poster up on that did you?

CB (who I often disagree with) countered his post and his post was perfectly reasonable and not remotely bigoted. You spent too much time in SA where mention of race IS bigoted as a rule. He was stating facts.

Having just read he is actually arguing with and getting his knickers in a twist with a poster who is on the same side as him!

Anyone who brings colour into an argument to try and win it is a twat and bigoted.

Damocles has spelt out perfectly whats wrong with this thread and its you have all got foam coming from your mouths and instead of engaging your brains, its just all out hate regardless.
Fucking hell. Just watching a programme (on Netflix) about Gwinnett County Jail. America has some huge issues, and unfortunately Trump ain't gonna fix them, and they've been there long before him as well. There appears to be a whole social underclass who are just caught in a revolving door. I'm fucking stunned that people are doing jail time for marijuana possession. It's all drugs and drink.

It's quite a depressing programme actually.
One black woman speaking to her brother when being released from prison "you've got two strikes against you, you're black, and you're male". Unfortunately, I watch a lot of American TV (ours is utter shite - see The Bodyguard) and that comment strikes as true.
Yeah was a pretty shit house post as it was pretty obvious what you meant given the make up of both houses in terms of demographics.

Not particularly. It's a long held opinion I've had about identity politics through my own experiences with people on the far left.

The mistake people often make is that they see the road ahead of "rich white males" to be "white males" or "white" in terms of how the opinion evolves. It isn't. It goes "rich white men" then "rich Jews" then "Jews". They use the exact same language when describing them. Old boys clubs, shadowy background figures trying to control the world, keeping the oppressed down, at fault for the bastardisation of the country, "all look out for each other", etc.

And I'm sure it's not escaped their attention that Jews make up about 2% of the US population but 33% of Supreme Court Justices.

This is where it's going, trust me. It always ends up at the Jews door, when people start with the anti-Semitic rhetoric dressed up in a fancy suit whether they be on the far left or far right.
Not particularly. It's a long held opinion I've had about identity politics through my own experiences with people on the far left.

CB isn’t remotely on the left, let alone for left.

This is where it's going, trust me. It always ends up at the Jews door, when people start with the anti-Semitic rhetoric dressed up in a fancy suit whether they be on the far left or far right.

Funny you should say that. I’ve seen your posts regarding “white men” being dog whistle for antisemitism. As such, you’re a hammer and see every mention of white men as a nail. However you were reactionary and his post was OBVIOUSLY to do with the control WASP’s have on American politics. You were way off. Read it back for yourself and if you had anything about you, you’d apologise to CB.
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