Donald Trump

There was a place called Rocky Sullivan's in nyc, used to be in the East 20s, that had IRA collection cans on the bar. One summer afternoon in the mid-'90s (the Troubles were still going on in Ulster) I went in on my own and asked for a beer. No other customers in there. Bartender served me and we started talking but when he heard my accent he took the beer away, gave me back the money and said "you can leave now." I told him he must be kidding and he said, very quietly, no but if you don't believe me I know a good dentist for you.
I left.
Ironically, the sort of response you wouldn’t have got in a pub in Ireland, even in Derry.
Because American convention dictates that all former presidents are referred to by that title after they leave office and in perpetuity.
So a bit like Whiskey Nose keeping his No1 car parking spot?

Seems weird/unfair to have two candidates running for an election with one already being called Mr President. Bit presumptuous etc.
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So a bit like Whiskey nose keeping his No1 car parking spot?

Seems weird/unfair to have two candidates running for an election with one already being called Mr President. Bit presumptuous etc.

It’s a tradition borne out of respect and hono(u)r, which makes sense until someone comes along and takes a massive orange dump on the carpet in the Oval Office.
Your last point isn't far off the mark (no pun intended). When questioned at his most recent press conference regarding the assassination attempt, the orange moron repeatedly pointed to the top of his right ear despite the alleged injury being sustained to the ear lobe and asserted that he was a "fast healer". I'm beginning to think he suffered no injuries whatsoever!
The alleged injury was to the top of his right ear, not the ear lobe, most probably from a shard of flying glass rather than a bullet.
It’s a tradition borne out of respect and hono(u)r, which makes sense until someone comes along and takes a massive orange dump on the carpet in the Oval Office.
If Trump goes to prison, will it then be called "Presidential Soap" in the showers.
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