Donald Trump


Thank God he’s FINALLY focusing on the ISSUES.

Yet the orange buffoon claimed he got a crowd of 107,000 at a rally in New Jersey in May when the actual figure was around 30,000.

Then convicted felon Roger Stone posted a photo of a crowded Copacabana Beach taken decades ago at a rock concert held there claiming it to be Trump's NJ rally.

Trump has made a habit of inflating the size of his rally crowds but that's no surprise coming from a lifelong narcissistic pathological liar.
Yet the orange buffoon claimed he got a crowd of 107,000 at a rally in New Jersey in May when the actual figure was around 30,000.

Then convicted felon Roger Stone posted a photo of a crowded Copacabana Beach taken decades ago at a rock concert held there claiming it to be Trump's NJ rally.

Trump has made a habit of inflating the size of his rally crowds but that's no surprise coming from a lifelong narcissistic pathological liar.
He shows up at OTHER PEOPLE’S events, gets introduced, gives a wave or a word, and then claims the crowd was there to see him…even at sold out sporting events he photobombs! Scary delusional.

It’s just sad that, as a grown man with (supposedly) much to be proud of, he feels the need…and it really does appear to be a need…to claim EVERYTHING he does is bigger, better, the best there has ever been, that makes a septuagenarian sound more like a seven year old.

He lies, as if he is going to get away with them, but then doesn’t care when he doesn’t…and continues to repeat them! That’s not narcissistic, it’s sociopathic.

Now, he’s at the stage where he (and Vance!) is throwing ANYTHING at the wall to stop the mainstream Republican voters from peeling away from him to the more common-sense, more “normal” political campaign coming from Harris-Walz…and it’s failing miserably.

While there are still tens of millions of, usually uneducated, low IQ, gullible fools who still swallow his nonsense, it is clear there are millions more who are tired of the bullshit, embarrassed by the shitshow, and who see right through the same old lies, including STILL lying about the 2020 election.

In short, both literally and figuratively, Trump and his pathetic schtick have grown old and tired. Comparing that to the newness and vibrancy of his opposition in this election, and the contrast could not be more stark.

Here’s hoping the 3 months are not long enough for the Machiavellian operatives, who help plot Trump’s chaos, to hatch any new plots to undermine America’s new flirtation with reality, common sense, and the kinds of policies that serve the citizenry.
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Thank God he’s FINALLY focusing on the ISSUES.

So, you're telling me that the guy who cheated on his first wife with his second wife, cheated on his second wife with his third wife, cheated on his third wife with a porn star whilst his third wife was heavily pregnant with his fifth child...*checks notes* is worried about cheating?
So, you're telling me that the guy who cheated on his first wife with his second wife, cheated on his second wife with his third wife, cheated on his third wife with a porn star whilst his third wife was heavily pregnant with his fifth child...*checks notes* is worried about cheating?

You should be Harris/Walz speechwriter.

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