Donald Trump

WTF has America become?
None of this, including the rallies on the Dem side, the media coverage, what passes for news channels, is anything resembling objective reporting. It’s a bastardised version of democracy that surely has to change.
You’re exporting it to Europe too. The last lot in the UK promoted a lot of the same subjectivity as the norm in the press dealings. Channels are billionaire owned and promote their own candidates and mantras.

When I say the Dem rallies included, what I mean is, they seem to adopt the same theatrics. They may not lie as openly as Trump does, and let’s face it, nobody does, but they seem to play the same pantomime villain card to their own support.

Politics has gone completely nuts and it’s what the American public seem to expect.

The problem here in Ireland is the youth vote apathy in particular, but at least we can still mainly trust the national broadcaster to report objectively and callout dishonesty. You don’t get the level of downright lying and quite frankly the public wouldn’t suffer it.

To our American pals on here.
Is what we see in the Trump thread really,…… well an accurate representation of what seems like almost half the electorate of the country?

Because I have been looking on amusedly believing, this can’t be real. This can’t be America. It’s great fun knocking sport out of Trumpism , but seriously. Is it possible that half the country are in this cult?
Also what are your thoughts on the fact that you basically get a choice of two people. I don’t fully understand your local election options but it doesn’t seem the most democratic system in the world to me. Someone explain the primaries to me, please.
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“But what about the deep state!?”

Hidden-camera video shows Project 2025 co-author discussing his secret work preparing for a second Trump term

Last month, Russell Vought sat in a five-star Washington, DC, hotel suite, bowing his head in prayer with two men he thought were relatives of a wealthy conservative donor.

Vought, one of the key authors of Project 2025, a right-wing blueprint for a second Trump term, expected the meeting would help his think tank secure a substantial contribution. For nearly two hours, he talked candidly about his behind-the-scenes work to prepare policy for former President Donald Trump, his expansive views on presidential power, his plans to restrict pornography and immigration, and his complaints that the GOP was too focused on “religious liberty” instead of “Christian nation-ism.”

But the men Vought was talking to actually worked for a British journalism nonprofit and were secretly recording him the entire time. The nonprofit, the Centre for Climate Reporting, published a video of the meeting on Thursday – offering a window into the thinking of one of the top policy minds of the MAGA movement, who’s been floated as a possible White House chief of staff.

Trump has publicly rejected Project 2025 as Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign has sought to tie him to some of the plan’s most extreme proposals. But in private, Vought said that those disavowals were merely “graduate-level politics.”

WTF has America become?
None of this, including the rallies on the Dem side, the media coverage, what passes for news channels, is anything resembling objective reporting. It’s a bastardised version of democracy that surely has to change.
You’re exporting it to Europe too. The last lot in the UK promoted a lot of the same subjectivity as the norm in the press dealings. Channels are billionaire owned and promote their own candidates and mantras.

When I say the Dem rallies included, what I mean is, they seem to adopt the same theatrics. They may not lie as openly as Trump does, and let’s face it, nobody does, but they seem to play the same pantomime villain card to their own support.

Politics has gone completely nuts and it’s what the American public seem to expect.

The problem here in Ireland is the youth vote apathy in particular, but at least we can still mainly trust the national broadcaster to report objectively and callout dishonesty. You don’t get the level of downright lying and quite frankly the public wouldn’t suffer it.

To our American pals on here.
Is what we see in the Trump thread really,…… well an accurate representation of what seems like almost half the electorate of the country?

Because I have been looking on amusedly believing, this can’t be real. This can’t be America. It’s great fun knocking sport out of Trumpism , but seriously. Is it possible that half the country are in this cult?
Also what are your thoughts on the fact that you basically get a choice of two people. I don’t fully understand your local election options but it doesn’t seem the most democratic system in the world to me. Someone explain the primaries to me, please.
Not sure if you are old enough to remember Mike Murphy's America show. I was pretty young then but I remember if being so full of colour and so full of crazy people. I lived in the US for neatly a decade and it was pretty normal. But I wasn't in the crazy part, the Mike Murphy part. And those parts were always nuts I think. We'll never understand them. And they'll never change. Unfortunately.
Satire overview:

Real Project 2025 training videos obtained and published online by ProPublica:

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WTF has America become?
None of this, including the rallies on the Dem side, the media coverage, what passes for news channels, is anything resembling objective reporting. It’s a bastardised version of democracy that surely has to change.
You’re exporting it to Europe too. The last lot in the UK promoted a lot of the same subjectivity as the norm in the press dealings. Channels are billionaire owned and promote their own candidates and mantras.

When I say the Dem rallies included, what I mean is, they seem to adopt the same theatrics. They may not lie as openly as Trump does, and let’s face it, nobody does, but they seem to play the same pantomime villain card to their own support.

Politics has gone completely nuts and it’s what the American public seem to expect.

The problem here in Ireland is the youth vote apathy in particular, but at least we can still mainly trust the national broadcaster to report objectively and callout dishonesty. You don’t get the level of downright lying and quite frankly the public wouldn’t suffer it.

To our American pals on here.
Is what we see in the Trump thread really,…… well an accurate representation of what seems like almost half the electorate of the country?

Because I have been looking on amusedly believing, this can’t be real. This can’t be America. It’s great fun knocking sport out of Trumpism , but seriously. Is it possible that half the country are in this cult?
Also what are your thoughts on the fact that you basically get a choice of two people. I don’t fully understand your local election options but it doesn’t seem the most democratic system in the world to me. Someone explain the primaries to me, please.
No, it’s not possible that half the country is in his cult. I don’t quite understand what you mean by theatrics but I can tell you Trump is no pantomime villain!

We have a primary system that determines who each party will put forth as their Presidential candidate, and often for many, many other elected seats as well. That where the choice set emanates from — it just gets whittled down.

I’ve offered the view before that the incredible diversity of voices, occupations, and topography, vast size and the fact that nearly all here are descended from immigrants that came within the last 125 years would lend itself to ungovernable cacophony if we operated a 3 or more (and there would be a LOT more) party electoral process. A 2 party system forces centrism and compromise to get anything accomplished at the Federal level among legislators. Many many legislators even at the State Assembly level represent diverse constituencies with diverse views.

I’d lay Americas current problems at the feet of (1) unregulated/edited social media; (2) far too lenient campaign finance laws (and it isn’t in the best interest of most legislators to alter that); (3) gerrymandering; (4) a centrist economic narrative stolen from the GOP by Bill Clinton that has forced conservatives down an increased social-issue-extremist platform to ensure its base turns out; and, last but not least, (5) a bad actor Presidential candidate who has never once demonstrated care or responsibility for the sacredness of his former office and has leaned heavily on populism (and all the four points above) as a way to being selected as the nation’s leader.

Also wealth and opportunity inequality may also play a role (with social media dramatically amplifying it).
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