Donald Trump

Will it be the biggest press conference ever, with the most journalists ever in one place?
“Probably the greatest and certainly the largest, ever. A beautiful thing. Sharks, sharks, many sharks. Prisoners from Congo, terrible people, all coming. Commie Kanal, Kamel, Kamala, terrible person, the worst. I’m hearing her husband may have been involved in the attempt to murder me. Can you imagine that? That’s what I heard. Windmills? They are taking over. If they haven’t already.”
No. Mathematics is singular. It describes a thing—a field of study—not many things. The S on the end doesn't indicate plurality.

Mathematics is a mass noun and usually takes a singular verb. You don't say mathematics 'are' my favorite subject.. You say "mathematics IS my favorite subject."
So when you shorten the noun, it's redundant to add the 's'.

That said, it's a preference thing. Americans and Canadians have the common sense to not add the 's' at the end since the whole point is to abbreviate... The English on the other hand do add it.. But it's just a preference. It's neither logical nor more correct.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen you make a post that was correct about anything and glad to see you’ve continued the longest running trend on the forum.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen you make a post that was correct about anything and glad to see you’ve continued the longest running trend on the forum.

Always amazes me the confidence with which people will trot out a diatribe on a topic they have no real expertise in, asserting something so obviously flawed as correct. Some people are determined to pretend they are an expert in everything and will not cede the slightest ground on any topic, no matter how meaningless. If they pretend they are an expert in everything, that's how you can be sure that they are most likely an expert in nothing.
No. Mathematics is singular. It describes a thing—a field of study—not many things. The S on the end doesn't indicate plurality.

Mathematics is a mass noun and usually takes a singular verb. You don't say mathematics 'are' my favorite subject.. You say "mathematics IS my favorite subject."
So when you shorten the noun, it's redundant to add the 's'.

That said, it's a preference thing. Americans and Canadians have the common sense to not add the 's' at the end since the whole point is to abbreviate... The English on the other hand do add it.. But it's just a preference. It's neither logical nor more correct.
Always amazes me the confidence with which people will trot out a diatribe on a topic they have no real expertise in, asserting something so obviously flawed as correct. Some people are determined to pretend they are an expert in everything and will not cede the slightest ground on any topic, no matter how meaningless. If they pretend they are an expert in everything, that's how you can be sure that they are most likely an expert in nothing.
So you are talking about @SWP's back then?

As the above applies clearly to him, yes?
Just as an aside, and sorry to go off on a tangent, but why do Americans say "He could care less....." when they actually mean "He couldn't care less..."
It doesn't make sense in the context and drives me mad when I read it.

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