Donald Trump

If you were to show me Trump in isolation, what he says, what he’s done, how incoherent he is, the fact he’s manifestly suffering from cognitive decline and is most likely clinically insane and throw his age into the mix through the prism of an election for a four year term, and asked me what percentage of the vote he could secure in a mature democracy - and I’d guess at no more than 15%.
I think his supporters probably need to play the same mental trick on themselves that bidens did for the past few years. You could just replace the word trump for biden in that post and it would still be as true.
Sad but true.
Same in just about every country.

And when someone who doesn’t abide by societal norms when it comes to honesty and integrity is prepared to appeal to the uneducated with promises that they have no intention of fulfilling and are supported by unscrupulous billionaires who own popular media outlets, anything can happen. That’s what brought us Trump, Johnson and any number of other cunts around the world that have misused democratic processes to meet their own ambitions and those of their billionaire sponsors. Obviously the democratic processes are not fit for purposes if they can be subverted but presumably when they were put in place they didn’t fully anticipate the lengths that tyrants would go to to get round them.
It's a general malaise in western politics. We've gradually come to accept unachievable/ broken promises as the norm I think.
Clinical insanity was.

Maybe you think he’s sane tbf.
Maybe I think biden is also insane? I actually don't think trump is insane, just a narcissist with a borderline personality disorder and like biden clear signs of age related cognitive dysfunction.

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