Donald Trump

I understand it’s scary on its face but he can’t and won’t do any of it. He will play golf and use the office to try to shield himself from additional prosecution. This is simply a way to gain everyone’s attention so that if he loses and inevitably tells everyone he only lost because Democrats cheated, he’ll be able to say “See? I told you so.” And he’s telegraphing that all should consider it a massive crime and conspiracy by anyone and everyone who gave a lick of help to Democrats. That’s how big the conspiracy is — it HAS to be that big, has to include those who were obviously simply on the fringes of the electoral process because, after all, how else could he have lost?

Think Wizard of Oz. The louder and more threatening he is, the more fearful he is. That’s what this is reflective of.
It's not Trump I'm directly worried about, it's people like Bannon, Gini Thomas, Miller and all the other radical weirdos that scare me. If If Trump is elected it will allow these cunts to implement there ultra right-wing policies. People like Shay Moss and Ruby Freeman would be locked up by the Trump Justice system on a slanderous rumour if Project 2025 is fully implemented.
Miller must have access to his Truth Social page.
Miller was my first though when I read it.
TBF, the prosecution didn't demand sentencing prior to the election. They were okay with it. The conviction is the important thing -- convicted by a jury of his peers. That his cult still doesn't give a fuck is the real problem. If he had been sentenced, his cult STILL wouldn't give a fuck. So I don't think it changes anything.

You are correct that the prosecution were worried about the disruptive logistics of the sentencing being in close proximity to a hearing on how the immunity ruling impacts the case. They assumed (with good reason) that whatever Merchan said would be immediately appealed and therefore didn't want a situation where they would close down the courthouse to make the arrangements for sentencing only for it to be kicked into the long grass at short notice - as that would cost the court significant time, money and capacity for processing other cases.

I know that I'm perhaps being naive, but I do like to believe that if Merchan did actually come through with a custodial sentence, even a short one, Trump physically being put in a cell might cause just a few more moderate voters to suddenly realise "oh this guy actually is a criminal". Let's face it, the average voter knows nothing about all these legal proceedings, they just know that Trump is walking around like a free man so they probably believe that whatever he's done can't be that bad. I mean, how many real criminals are just allowed to walk about freely? To your average Joe on the streets, he doesn't currently "present" like a criminal. They need to make it very clear and visible that he is one before the slower folks at the back to start getting it.

While this decision in isolation has its logic, the constant allowances, delays, questionable judgments from friendly judges he appointed, is what has allowed this man to be charged with over a hundred crimes in four different states and yet still be going about his business as if nothing had occurred. He's running businesses and having talks with foreign governments. We're talking about allegations and indictments of crimes related to national security - how somebody would even be granted bail for a crime of that magnitude is crazy to me.
There is perhaps one bit of comeuppance that Trump could see before the election. The fraud case appeal is just getting underway. There will be some hearings and then likely a month before a decision - and the appeal briefing that has been filed is a joke - just the same arguments re-hashed, Trump's greatest hits. There is something very wrong if that isn't immediately ripped to pieces. He could get the judgment before the end of October. There might be one more route for further appeal but the higher appellate court would have to agree to take it up and given the behaviour of him and his lawyers, I don't think they'll want to go anywhere near it.

So there is a small chance we could see the bailiffs coming to take some of Donny's golden toilet seats just before the election - which would be fun. We live in hope.
We're talking about allegations and indictments of crimes related to national security - how somebody would even be granted bail for a crime of that magnitude is crazy to me.
If you or I were under suspicion of crimes anywhere near the severity Trump has been credibly accused of and indicted for, we'd both bit sitting in solitary confinement awaiting trial.

This guy is roaming free with access to a private jet.
It’s too late now, but someone should have created a trump-lie-o-meter website from the very moment he descended the golden elevator in 2015.

I presume no one did it, due to the sheer volume of lies that they’d have to document per minute of him speaking/tweeting/‘truth’ing.

Everyone expects politicians to lie, (or I hope they do, but evidence seems to suggest not..), and that they will ramp it up during elections. Only trump has elevated the lie telling to an art form, because there is no pushback from anyone directly to him , due to him taking the easy interviews, tweeting one-way etc
Just change the $ for lies, and it’s probably near enough…

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