Donald Trump

The fact that, after him being President for four years and being the Republican nominee again, we are STILL having this discussion tells you Trump is not fit for office.

He is either an ignorant boob or a puppet of the current Axis of Evil, composed of authoritarian dictators (his wet dream!). Either one is a disqualifier!
Whoever the next us president is will probably have to make a tough choice militarily between containing Russia (Ukraine), containing china (Taiwan), and protecting Israel. I don't think all three simultaneously are realistic
There will be a big war within 5 or 10 years. I can't see any possibility the next us president will make any compromise to any country of "Axis of Evil". And it's quite clear Trump has 0 chance to win the election. He is not a good candidate for the job. He is not even in that circle.
I'm not sure he's a great friend of Putin either. He's always been isolationist, generally wants to withdraw from the world and has questioned the post cold war purpose/value of NATO. Exception to this is his pretty pro-Israel stance and his deliberately provocative re-siting of the us embassy.
If he is in the pay of Moscow or beholden to Moscow I imagine he'd have had some sort of accident at the hands of us secret services ahead of taking up residence in the oval office.
Let me see if I can clarify: he’s not “isolationist”; he knows nothing ABOUT the rest of the world nor does he care about it unless he can extract wealth from it. Ask the Scots. His “policy” on Ukraine is 100 percent solely a counter to the “Washington’s” policy — I assure you that if the consensus among Democrats was to ignore Ukraine he’d be all for arming them to the teeth, absent any connectivity to Putin. The “exception” you cite is 100 percent a function of wanting votes from American Jews — that’s the be all, end all. I have no idea if he is beholden to Russia but the Secret Service is loyal to the American President whomever it is; they aren’t killing him.

It’s so much easier if you just keep all the answers simple because with Trump the answers are always simple, and stupid.
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Let me see if I can clarify: we knows nothing ABOUT the rest of the world nor does he care about it unless he can extract wealth from it. Ask the Scots. The “exception” is 100 percent a function of wanting votes from American Jews — that’s the be all, end all. I have no idea if he is beholden to Russia but the Secret Service is loyal to the American President whomever it is; they aren’t killing him.

It’s so much easier if you just keep all the answers simple because with Trump the answers are always simple, and stupid.
He's not the president. These conspiracy theories are nuts - worthy of the maga crowd tbh. He's a pretty terrible human being, but not quite the antichrist or James bond villain some would have us think. He's a populist that is adept at whipping up the equal amounts of support and hatred he needs to be noisy and relevant. All that the US people need to do to get rid of him is to turn their backs on him and not vote for him - it's really that simple.
He not a populist. He lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020. He just appeals to the worst side of people, and sows hate and division.

Even in losing the Electoral College last time round, if the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Rafensperger had 'simply' found 11,780 votes, Or Vice President Pence had 'simply' refused to certify the Electoral College votes on Jan 6th, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

This time round there are enough people in Republican run Congressional districts to seriously fuck with this election, and plenty of dumb chucklefuck MAGA nutjobs willing to do something stupid if it doesn't go Trump's way in November. He's also got the Supreme Court packed with unprincipled sympathizer's who wouldn't lose any sleep in giving him a leg up if it came down to it. Harris doesn't just need to knock him down by a few EC votes, she needs to make sure he never gets up again.
He not a populist. He lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020. He just appeals to the worst side of people, and sows hate and division.

Even in losing the Electoral College last time round, if the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Rafensperger had 'simply' found 11,780 votes, Or Vice President Pence had 'simply' refused to certify the Electoral College votes on Jan 6th, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

This time round there are enough people in Republican run Congressional districts to seriously fuck with this election, and plenty of dumb chucklefuck MAGA nutjobs willing to do something stupid if it doesn't go Trump's way in November. He's also got the Supreme Court packed with unprincipled sympathizer's who wouldn't lose any sleep in giving him a leg up if it came down to it. Harris doesn't just need to knock him down by a few EC votes, she needs to make sure he never gets up again.
Of course he's a populist. That's how he gets away with just spouting often I'll informed nonsense. Trump isn't the problem. The problem is that somewhere either just under or over 50% of the US electorate think he's a good idea.
The nearest I thought the democrats got to solving this problem was when they just referred to him as 'weird'. The maga crowd don't want to feel like they are weird, they want to feel like they are victims and he is their hero.
Of course he's a populist. That's how he gets away with just spouting often I'll informed nonsense. Trump isn't the problem. The problem is that somewhere either just under or over 50% of the US electorate think he's a good idea.
The nearest I thought the democrats got to solving this problem was when they just referred to him as 'weird'. The maga crowd don't want to feel like they are weird, they want to feel like they are victims and he is their hero.
The media want a horse race. In reality Trump has zero substance and is about as popular as a fart in a lift for the majority of the country, even Republicans. The race would't be anywhere near as close if the media had objectively reported on the candidates, and not played that 'both sides' bullshit.
The media want a horse race. In reality Trump has zero substance and is about as popular as a fart in a lift for the majority of the country, even Republicans. The race would't be anywhere near as close if the media had objectively reported on the candidates, and not played that 'both sides' bullshit.
I don't agree. Trump isn't just about the noisy idiots in red hats at his rally's. He's also appealing to what in this country we call the 'shy conservatives'. 'nice' people who seem perfectly decent but quietly hold some pretty right wing views. I've got some retired ex US military friends I'd put in this category.
The media is after clicks. Both sides seem to feel they are getting a raw deal which perhaps means the media are getting something right? A bit like Oliver's ref performance last weekend where both sets of fans felt he assisted the other team.
Trump is adept at using the media and social media much as farage is here, and it's quite hard for Kamala and the democrats to get down in that gutter with him without also smelling of shit.
The media want a horse race. In reality Trump has zero substance and is about as popular as a fart in a lift for the majority of the country, even Republicans. The race would't be anywhere near as close if the media had objectively reported on the candidates, and not played that 'both sides' bullshit.
I think that Mazzarelli's read of the situation - i.e., that roughly 50% of the electorate favor MAGA politics and are willing to overlook Trump's drawbacks - is spot on, unfortunately. Media coverage may exacerbate the divide between the pro-Trump crowd and his detractors; but the divide isn't caused by the media: it's been there all along.

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