Donald Trump

He not a populist. He lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020. He just appeals to the worst side of people, and sows hate and division.

Even in losing the Electoral College last time round, if the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Rafensperger had 'simply' found 11,780 votes, Or Vice President Pence had 'simply' refused to certify the Electoral College votes on Jan 6th, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

This time round there are enough people in Republican run Congressional districts to seriously fuck with this election, and plenty of dumb chucklefuck MAGA nutjobs willing to do something stupid if it doesn't go Trump's way in November. He's also got the Supreme Court packed with unprincipled sympathizer's who wouldn't lose any sleep in giving him a leg up if it came down to it. Harris doesn't just need to knock him down by a few EC votes, she needs to make sure he never gets up again.
Yes. The weight of victory for Harris needs to demonstrate that Maga is a dead end. I think it will. She could win all 7 swing states plus at least one purple/red one such as FL and have a huge margin in the popular vote.
I don't think they actually support Russia, just don't want to see unending amounts of dollars poured into what at best seems to be an expensive stalemate.
Agree. It's part of the MAGA isolationist world view.

It's hard to tell for sure - but the stalemate between Russia and Ukraine may finally be tilting in Ukraine's favor. Russia has run out of criminals to throw into the meat grinder; in spite of (comparatively) high wages offered, recruiting for the war is difficult; and I've read that some of the upper classes of society are now being drafted into the war. Not only is Russia running out of troops - Putin's popularity, especially among the elite, seems to be deteriorating.

Putin will likely try to hold out until after the election in America - a Harris victory may see Putin attempt to exit the war in some sort of face-saving maneuver.
I don't think they actually support Russia, just don't want to see unending amounts of dollars poured into what at best seems to be an expensive stalemate.
But at odds to their small world view is the American arms industry will be loving it. Plus Better dollars being sent than 19 yo yanks being sent halfway across he hemisphere to die.

They’ll be loving the conflict in Palestine too, where they are seeing their fancy new jets being tested in action.
Trump makes an announcement.
“I have something exciting to tell you. You are going to love this.
For just 300 dollars you can own a genuine Trump Bag of Rubbish. Enclosed in a genuine black bin liner, the Trump Bag of Rubbish contains hundreds of historic items including: The Practising Certificates of all my lawyers who won’t be needing them any more as they are disbarred, the gristle from a Trump Steak, a broken Trump watch, IOUs from all my casinos who ran out of cash to pay winning bets, copies of thousands of invoices which I didn’t pay, a photo of a whore taken in Moscow while she was playing water sports, a few National Secret documents which I cleared out from the toilets at Mar a Largo, copies of Chinese patents issued by my friend Xi to Ivanka, a copy of a cheque for 2 billion dollars signed by the Saudi Prince and payable to my son in law, a copy of a cheque I swear I didn’t issue to horseface McDaniels, signed by me, several fake election certificates, 11,750 Georgia votes, a mini condom which is mushroom shaped, the concept of a Healthcare Plan and many other valuable items all signed by me.
For an extra 300 dollars, we will not bother to send this stuff to you, so for just 600 dollars you can be Trump rubbish free. Hurry, the Trump Bag of Rubbish is only available until the election after which I will be busy demonstrating how we won it, even though nobody voted for us.
Maga: Make Americans Grovel Again.”
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