Donald Trump

The E Jean Carroll damages trial is going well.

Trump's been told to stop chuntering about Carroll's testimony, with both judge and Trump acknowledging that he really wants to be kicked out of the court.

The lead lawyer Alina Habba is arguing with the judge and failing to do simple things such as standing up to address the judge.

Almost best of all is a comment she made:
“I don't know how to try this case, your honor."

Good thing she said earlier this month (I think) that she'd prefer being pretty to smart, as she could fake being smart. Evidence suggests otherwise.
Saw him saying the women he assulted is not his type , since when did rapists go by type , they go for power over a woman, any woman. Why is he not banged up for breaking the judges rules when your lay person would be into a cell faster than anything
I can tell you Alina Habba is not my type. I don’t go in for fucking idiots, nor amoral grifters, and she’s both.
100% agree. Letting him behave like this because of fears of mistrials or the threat of civil unrest is akin to negotiating with terrorists. If he hadn’t been handled with kid gloves his entire life then things might not have gotten this far.

If people want to start problems over the rule of law being upheld then that’s on them. I have a feeling they won’t because if there’s anything I’ve learnt about the MAGA crowd it’s that they are actually massive fucking cowards when it comes to actually putting your nuts on the table. There’s a small handful of truly unhinged gun-toting psychos, and the rest are just middle-aged men who moan about everything new in the world but in reality couldn’t vault a bicycle stand without their angina flaring up.

Appeasement never works. Throw the **** in the brig.
This second paragraph is perfect. It’s why I am less worried about “revolution” or some such bullshit. His peak army was together on Jan. 6. If he’s defeated at the ballot box another time there will be no uprising. But if he wins a legitimate election . . . then future elections are at risks in ways we haven’t ever seen here before.
Dishonesty and hypocrisy are at the core of Republican politics. They have always had an element of but post Trump it's bubbled up to the surface and it's sat there in plain sight. Many have abandoned the party. But Trump has shown you can just ignore the 'fake news' and the base won't care.
With the lobbying system, many are now just there to make out like bandits. Its a system to be gamed for personal profit and fame.

Way too many grifters and not enough decent people in politics now. How does it change?
With the lobbying system, many are now just there to make out like bandits. Its a system to be gamed for personal profit and fame.

Way too many grifters and not enough decent people in politics now. How does it change?

It would take the adults in the room to reform the electoral system that allows huge amounts of oligarchs money to flood into our politics. Unfortunately both political parties have no incentive to kill the golden goose. Hell! We can’t even ban Congress members and their families from trading stocks. Pelosi when asked about banning stock trading said “everyone should be allowed to participate in capitalism”. I paraphrased but this is how deep the rot is….
It would take the adults in the room to reform the electoral system that allows huge amounts of oligarchs money to flood into our politics. Unfortunately both political parties have no incentive to kill the golden goose. Hell! We can’t even ban Congress members and their families from trading stocks. Pelosi when asked about banning stock trading said “everyone should be allowed to participate in capitalism”. I paraphrased but this is how deep the rot is….
As a securities analyst I have a truly enormous number of conflict of interest rules to follow that do not apply to members of all three branches of government who learn of, influence, create and vote on critical legislative actions that impact industries and securities prices.
As a securities analyst I have a truly enormous number of conflict of interest rules to follow that do not apply to members of all three branches of government who learn of, influence, create and vote on critical legislative actions that impact industries and securities prices.

Unfortunately ethical people like you don’t become politicians.

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