Donald Trump

I’ve not said he’s got a supreme intellect. In fact I’ve been clear that he does not.

I’ve said he has characteristics that can objectively be defined as intelligent, per se. I would say that an ability to manipulate others to that extent requires a form of intelligence.

You plainly think it does not, instead thinking it can all be explained away by his inherited wealth, and ruthlessness, like there will be another one along in a few minutes.
There won't be another one along in a few minutes because of the unique combination of his incredible pathological narcissism, off-the-scale amorality, and immense wealth. His intelligence doesn't figure into that picture.

I've said it a few times: I'm in real estate finance. I knew this guy was the absolute worst of the worst in 1989 when I was just starting my career due to first-hand experience. He was a bully, and a fucking dumb as shit bully, because the arguments for why he deserved a loan were inane, his threats if we said no ludicrous (and would have been ineffectual if he'd tried to make good on them), his track record as a businessman already in tatters, and his refusal to provide his tax returns for a loan on which we demanded -- for starters -- a personal guarantee patently ridiculous.

But he found money -- plenty of it -- from others. In fact that's been true his whole life. So I would say his determination to find people dumb enough to trust him is a hallmark of his. Is that persistence, or intelligence?
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It obviously takes a level of intelligence. If he had learning difficulties (besides the functional illiteracy) he wouldn't be a very effective manipulator.

But it's not the key aspect. His lack of morals is far more important.
I fully accept that, but in the first instance I was responding to suggestions Trump is stupid. In many ways he is, but that makes his life all the more remarkable. On the other hand, he’s got supreme intelligence in very limited respects, which manifest themselves in a hugely malign way. The **** has absolutely made the most of his very limited talent.
There won't be another one along in a few minutes because of the unique combination of his incredible pathological narcissism, off-the-scale amorality, and immense wealth. His intelligence doesn't figure into that picture.

I've said it a few times: I'm in real estate finance. I knew this guy was the absolute worst of the worst in 1989 when I was just starting my career due to first-hand experience. He was a bully, and a fucking dumb as shit bully, because the arguments for why he deserved a loan were inane, his threats if we said no ludicrous (and would have been ineffectual if he'd tried to make good on them), his track record as a businessman already in tatters, and his refusal to provide his tax returns for a loan on which we demanded -- for starters -- for a personal guarantee patently ridiculous.

But he found money -- plenty of it -- from others. In fact that's been true his whole life. So I would say his determination to find people dumb enough to trust him is a hallmark of his. Is that persistence, or intelligence?

Isnt his son-in-law the biggest slum lord in New York, as well being Trump shoe-horning him into a white house position (which he had no experience to be in) that gave him access to oversea's people to get private funding for his own business dealings
No I'm using them as an example of another dysfunctional family that created that mindset.

Do you really need me establish that most people aren't as ruthlessly selfish as Trump?

It's self evident.

You probably keep strange company if you believe that to be the case.

I'm not sure why you are having trouble understanding. Are you sure you are as smart as you think you are?
He keeps company with me and I am very strange. In fact, I'm a bit of a nightmare.
To get rich people to part with their money? It’s absolutely intelligence.
And we're back to the beginning.

Could he have relied on that intelligence to do it if he was poor?

No. N.O. NO.

The only reason they parted with THEIR money is that he already HAD money. They coveted him as a client. They saw fees dancing in their heads at night.

As George Low said, "There's no reason hangin' 'round a broke cuz nothin' falls off."

The money and the amorality are far more important to who he became than his "smarts."

I appreciate your spirit here but you aren't going to convince me. Relative to the hundreds of principal-level real estate and investor people I have met in nearly 40 years of doing what I do, he is in the bottom 2% of the pool intellectually. And in the top 2% amorally. That's saying something for someone who's been on Wall Street for as long as I've been.
I’ve not said he’s got a supreme intellect. In fact I’ve been clear that he does not.

I’ve said he has characteristics that can objectively be defined as intelligent, per se. I would say that an ability to manipulate others to that extent requires a form of intelligence.

You plainly think it does not, instead thinking it can all be explained away by his inherited wealth, and ruthlessness, like there will be another one along in a few minutes.

It's not even worth the argument mate
Donald Trump is toast. He owes more than half a billion dollars in court judgements and he doesn’t have the money. He cannot expunge these debts through bankruptcy and he has to start paying E Jean Carrol before the end of February.
How much does he have? Investigative journos are beavering away and seem to be settling around one billion as an interim estimate. It is unknown at this stage how much equity he has in his real estate. My guess is that the property is mortgaged to the hilt.
Narcissism insulates its sufferers from reality, but reality is about to bite him in the bum. He cannot raise a bond needed before he can appeal. He asked the court for a stay of execution but Judge Engoron denied that in a two sentence memo.
Letitia James and the lawyers of E Jean Carrol will now start the process of seizing assets assuming Trump does not find the cash from somewhere. Will anyone be stupid enough to lend it to him? I doubt it. The Republican party cannot raise it.
The man who tried to persuade Forbes that he was worth 6 billion dollars is a busted flush.
Bye bye Donald.
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