Donald Trump

For what it’s worth, on News Agents USA a few weeks back they said they’d been told by senior people in the democrat party that a Whitmer/Warnock ticket was the fallback plan if Biden were to pull out for any reason.
Oh joy!

Whitmer’s done a great job in MI, but Preacher Warnock in GA?! They certainly hit the progressive high notes of women and POC, and have 2 key states covered, but if I had my druthers it’d be Gavin Newson & Whitmer, in that order!
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While pretty well all of us are hoping for a Biden/Senate/House victory, what are people’s thoughts on Kennedy. Which candidate would he likely affect most, vote wise??
Today, Friday, is a big day in the documents case. There is a hearing largely about timings. Smith has filed a motion for the trial to begin in July. Surprisingly, Trumps lawyers have responded with a proposal for an August date. That would mean a conviction before the election.
What judge Cannon will rule will determine whether the American people will know when they vote that Trump kept national security information in Mar a Largo in defiance of a subpoena from the Nation Archives. It could be his death knell.
Hold your breath.
Today, Friday, is a big day in the documents case. There is a hearing largely about timings. Smith has filed a motion for the trial to begin in July. Surprisingly, Trumps lawyers have responded with a proposal for an August date. That would mean a conviction before the election.
What judge Cannon will rule will determine whether the American people will know when they vote that Trump kept national security information in Mar a Largo in defiance of a subpoena from the Nation Archives. It could be his death knell.
Hold your breath.

This is just total speculation on my part but the Trump lawyers know this case is the most open and shut case of the lot - he had physical documents he shouldn’t have, it doesn’t really get more concrete. They’ve proposed an August date because that’s when the Georgia case is supposed to start. That case is much more complicated, less likely to succeed and will inevitably take longer.

They’re trying to be clever by coinciding the timing of both trials to request delays. Whether that’s stopping the Georgia case from getting scheduled or by allowing it to be scheduled and using that as an excuse to kick this one into the long grass.
This is just total speculation on my part but the Trump lawyers know this case is the most open and shut case of the lot - he had physical documents he shouldn’t have, it doesn’t really get more concrete. They’ve proposed an August date because that’s when the Georgia case is supposed to start. That case is much more complicated, less likely to succeed and will inevitably take longer.

They’re trying to be clever by coinciding the timing of both trials to request delays. Whether that’s stopping the Georgia case from getting scheduled or by allowing it to be scheduled and using that as an excuse to kick this one into the long grass.
Yup. Delay is his strategy and what you say is entirely feasible. But as things panned out, the Georgia case was likely to be after the election in any case. If both sides today argue for a Summer trial, Cannon can hardly refuse— that would be too unusual, I understand, and would draw the attention of the 11th circuit, risking her seat.
I’m betting on a summer trial, open and shut, guilty, no jail.
I've seen comparisons that the Bush/Gore thing was decided in 3 days by SCOTUS, so the slow walk could be ciscumvented.

I see SCOTUS are determining concept and have framed it creatively. Clearly Presidential actions (declaring war, for example) would be very different from trying to find 11400 votes in Georgia, and some should not be acceptable.

"Whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office."

Seems to be a wording defined such that they have already decided their opinion.
How you answer that is anybody's guess - how can they define what is immune in anything understandable?

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