Donald Trump

I've seen comparisons that the Bush/Gore thing was decided in 3 days by SCOTUS, so the slow walk could be ciscumvented.

I see SCOTUS are determining concept and have framed it creatively. Clearly Presidential actions (declaring war, for example) would be very different from trying to find 11400 votes in Georgia, and some should not be acceptable.

"Whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office."

Seems to be a wording defined such that they have already decided their opinion.
How you answer that is anybody's guess - how can they define what is immune in anything understandable?
Immunity from criminal prosecution would create a president above the law. (”I could go to fifth avenue and shoot somebody”). The US ousted the king in 18th century. They can’t go back. I think this is Trumps mates on the court trying to help his delay. If they ruled in favour of immunity, that would be a revolution. Surely even Thomas cannot do that?
Immunity from criminal prosecution would create a president above the law. (”I could go to fifth avenue and shoot somebody”). The US ousted the king in 18th century. They can’t go back. I think this is Trumps mates on the court trying to help his delay. If they ruled in favour of immunity, that would be a revolution. Surely even Thomas cannot do that?

I think almost everyone agrees with that. It's basically dictatorship.

What SCOTUS have said they'll hear is something that will take forever to detail the minutiae of.

Here is George Clooney’s response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite.""Here’s the thing: I grew up in Kentucky. I sold insurance door-to-door. I sold ladies’ shoes. I worked at an all-night liquor store. I would buy suits that were too big and too long and cut the bottom of the pants off to make ties so I’d have a tie to go on job interviews. I grew up understanding what it was like to not have health insurance for eight years.
So this idea that I’m somehow the “Hollywood elite” and this guy who takes a shit in a gold toilet is somehow the man of the people is laughable.People in Hollywood, for the most part, are people from the Midwest who moved to Hollywood to have a career. So this idea of “coastal elites” living in a bubble is ridiculous. Who lives in a bigger bubble?He lives in a gold tower and has twelve people in his company. He doesn’t run a corporation of hundreds of thousands of people he employs and takes care of. He ran a company of twelve people!When you direct a film you have seven different unions all wanting different things, you have to find consensus with all of them, and you have to get them moving in the same direction.He’s never had to do any of that kind of stuff.
I just look at it and I laugh when I see him say “Hollywood elite.” Hollywood elite? I don’t have a star on Hollywood Boulevard, Donald Trump has a star on Hollywood Boulevard! Fuck you
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Here is George Clooney’s response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite.""Here’s the thing: I grew up in Kentucky. I sold insurance door-to-door. I sold ladies’ shoes. I worked at an all-night liquor store. I would buy suits that were too big and too long and cut the bottom of the pants off to make ties so I’d have a tie to go on job interviews. I grew up understanding what it was like to not have health insurance for eight years.So this idea that I’m somehow the “Hollywood elite” and this guy who takes a shit in a gold toilet is somehow the man of the people is laughable.People in Hollywood, for the most part, are people from the Midwest who moved to Hollywood to have a career. So this idea of “coastal elites” living in a bubble is ridiculous. Who lives in a bigger bubble?He lives in a gold tower and has twelve people in his company. He doesn’t run a corporation of hundreds of thousands of people he employs and takes care of. He ran a company of twelve people!When you direct a film you have seven different unions all wanting different things, you have to find consensus with all of them, and you have to get them moving in the same direction.He’s never had to do any of that kind of stuff. I just look at it and I laugh when I see him say “Hollywood elite.” Hollywood elite? I don’t have a star on Hollywood Boulevard, Donald Trump has a star on Hollywood Boulevard! Fuck you

Clooney comes across well - but there's no doubt he is in a bubble. He's spent decades being insulated from economic hardship and I know that hasn't always been the case for him but years of being in his position is always going to impact your world-view whether that's in a positive or negative way. I'd argue we're all in a bubble to some extent, just to different extents. It's important for us to acknowledge we don't know what it's like to be in the shoes of somebody with a completely different set of circumstances, and that's totally healthy.

He is absolutely right to call out Trump's hypocrisy, though. He lives 24/7 in a world inhabited by complete sycophants - the most extreme of bubbles. I'm not criticising Clooney, more just saying that the argument isn't "Trump lives in the bubble, I don't" the argument should be "Trump is in a glass house throwing stones".
Clooney comes across well - but there's no doubt he is in a bubble. He's spent decades being insulated from economic hardship and I know that hasn't always been the case for him but years of being in his position is always going to impact your world-view whether that's in a positive or negative way. I'd argue we're all in a bubble to some extent, just to different extents. It's important for us to acknowledge we don't know what it's like to be in the shoes of somebody with a completely different set of circumstances, and that's totally healthy.

He is absolutely right to call out Trump's hypocrisy, though. He lives 24/7 in a world inhabited by complete sycophants - the most extreme of bubbles. I'm not criticising Clooney, more just saying that the argument isn't "Trump lives in the bubble, I don't" the argument should be "Trump is in a glass house throwing stones".

Clooney is a rich fucker no doubt, but he's a boy done good and that should stand for a lot.

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