Donald Trump

Ha! I live in Cleveland. It’s far from perfect, but immeasurably better than it was 10 years ago and is on a steady upward trajectory. It kinda reminds me of where Manchester was in the 80s.
I also lived in Miami for 5 years and largely agree. Great place to visit, but not to live.
My son is at college in Cincy, I was just there on Sunday. You might like it - broadly similar to Cleveland, but made interesting by a topography similar to Pittsburgh (the topography of which is responsible for 90% of its charm IMO)
Ohio is a pretty uneventful state; quite clean and green for the most part with some heavily populated/industrial areas dotted about for good measure. I've spent some time in Dayton, and visited Cleverland. I found it quite chilled, but there are certainly some no-go areas.
She is a hack that is making a complete mockery of the courts and is not even hiding her deference to Trump. That case has become a complete farce and she should be removed from her seat (and the case) based on corruption and incompetence.

But that won’t happen.

I think Jack has already planned for this move by Cannon - it's the reason they only submitted a few dozen of the hundreds of top secret files they found as evidence, they knew the trial could potentially open them up to public viewing.

However Cannon has quite clearly just broken the explicit word of the law here, so maybe he'll just got to the 11th and get her removed.

Either way, she's playing a game of time wasting and the feds are playing a game of "Put Trump in prison for the rest of his life".
I'm inclined to believe this, not, per se, because his current lawyers say so - Trump has been able to find lawyers willing to lie for him or willing/too stupid to be duped into his whatever he's claiming. Whereas numerous pundits have been skeptical that Trump could raise roughly 1/2 billion dollars to post bond.

It'll be interesting to see how Trump's appeal plays out. If Trump were a random complainant without history in the courts - I rather suspect that he'd get some relief with regard to the bond - if only because it's such a high dollar amount.

But given Trump's history with the NY courts, perhaps - and possibly even likely - Trump's appeal will fail.

Stay tuned - interesting developments await.

They're not going to cow to his demands of relief on the bond when he has gone on record in deposition saying he is a billionaire with "in excess of $400m of liquid cash" available. He can't even make the argument that he used that for his Carroll bond because that came from somebody else. If he wanted relief, then he should have done the smart thing which he's incapable of doing and kept his big mouth shut and stop bragging about things that aren't true. His lawyer's arguments seem to be conveniently forgetting that he said this. He doesn't need a bondsman, he apparently has the money. He said so himself. So put it the fuck up.

He's reaping the consequences of his lies.
can't he just plunder donations from his MAGA base?

He's trying. But 0.5 billion dollars plus is a huge sum of money which his base is very unlikely to support.

Therre's a lot of money in US politics but not that much.

Trump raised $8.8m in January. So it would take him until September 2028 to raise the money he needs through donations.

Of course that's not forgetting the fact they spent $12m in January, they're actually not covering the campaign costs at the moment.

Also @BlueMoonAcrossThePond I have to disagree with you - the outcome of the appeal won't be interesting it's a foregone conclusion. It might be fun though.
He has a GoFundMe which has been up for over a month now that has managed to raise a massive 0.25% of the judgment value. His base is as broke as he is at this point.

Turns out his fundraising money mostly came from billionaires and they aren't that keen on handing it all over to Lara Trump. What was the viral billionaire Republican quote from last month? I donate money to win elections, not fund the lifestyles of wannabe billionaires

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