Donald Trump

You might be right, I guess the two questions are
1) are the voters you talk about well-represented in the swing states where it matters, or will it be concentrated in places like New York. I guess Michigan is a likely candidate, but what about Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona?
2) if these are disproportionately young people <22 years old, they didn't vote last time anyway, so they don't represent a loss of votes, only a lost opportunity where the demographic shifts could really hurt Trump.

I think you are right, because there has been a notable shift in the PR-stance of the Biden administration, particularly with the abstention in the UN vote. And just to clarify, I don't at all think this goes nearly far enough for most people (me included) but it does probably signal that the Dems are worried about it.
1) I think both Michigan and Pennsylvania are candidates for this potential issue based on demographics and recent pushes.

2) These are mid-to-late 20 year-olds I spoke to, all of whom voted in 2020.

Regardless, young democrat and independent voters were integral to Biden’s win in 2020 and are likely to be again this election cycle, even beyond the swing states. He is playing with fire, not only ethically, but politically.

Regarding the UN cease-fire resolution abstention, it came out shortly after that the Biden admin quietly approved additional bombs and planes to Israel.

U.S. signs off on more bombs, warplanes for Israel

Despite a widening rift with the Israeli government, the Biden administration continues to authorize the transfer of 2,000-pound bombs and other weapons

Truth Social shares have tanked 25% today (so far) and are currently 79% below their peak last Tuesday. I hope his MAGAs who invested their life savings finally realise what a con man Trump is but I won't hold my breath.

Truth Social shares have tanked 25% today (so far) and are currently 79% below their peak last Tuesday. I hope his MAGAs who invested their life savings finally realise what a con man Trump is but I won't hold my breath.

Ponzi Party members shocked to find they have been party to a Ponzi scheme.
I think expanding Biden’s Republican voter support should actually be the secondary objective of his campaign.

His first objective should be to stop haemorrhaging democrat and independent support (especially from younger voters) by disingenuously proclaiming opposition to the deplorable actions of Israeli’s far-right government in Gaza and the West Bank whilst actually quietly supporting the genocide.

Right now I am genuinely worried about the percentage of the electorate that will simply stay home on election day (or vote for the No Labels candidate) if things continue on the path they are.

I have heard from several people in their 20s in the last few days that say they can’t vote for someone who is actively supporting genocide, regardless of whether their main opponent is Trump.

I am hoping that much of that is posturing, given that Trump would likely be even more supportive of the genocidal madness of Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, and the other Kahanists than Biden, and when the day comes, they’ll vote for Biden to avoid the very real possibility that American democracy functionally dies in the next 5 years or so.

But I also think the Biden admin will have a big hand in influencing that outcome. And it’s not doing an especially good job at this moment.
I am not (at ALL) worried about Kennedy — he’s a loon with no definable platform and no charisma — but I am indeed concerned about younger-person 24 PE turnout and the lumping of Trump and Biden together as old, out-of-touch and supportive of old-school loyalties despite older-and-more-dangerous school leadership (AKA Netanyahu). Of course then there are the older Jewish Americans who supported Biden — if it looks like his support is wavering while Trump is firm, do they turn on him? — or as they are not necessarily as key in swing states while younger people of all stripes are, is this a contingent Biden assumes is with him?

As a man married to a half-Jewish wife with a few fairly intensely-feeling relatives, I have always had to hide my lifetime of discomfort with the US’s nearly unilateral support of Israel which has too often served as convenient cover for barbarous behavio(u)r towards ordinary people caught in the crossfire. It’s an uncomfortable and emotional issue for me.
I am not (at ALL) worried about Kennedy — he’s a loon with no definable platform and no charisma — but I am indeed concerned about younger-person 24 PE turnout and the lumping of Trump and Biden together as old, out-of-touch and supportive of old-school loyalties despite older-and-more-dangerous school leadership (AKA Netanyahu). Of course then there are the older Jewish Americans who supported Biden — if it looks like his support is wavering while Trump is firm, do they turn on him? — or as they are not necessarily as key in swing states while younger people of all stripes are, is this a contingent Biden assumes is with him?

As a man married to a half-Jewish wife with a few fairly intensely-feeling relatives, I have always had to hide my lifetime of discomfort with the US’s nearly unilateral support of Israel which has too often served as convenient cover for barbarous behavio(u)r towards ordinary people caught in the crossfire. It’s an uncomfortable and emotional issue for me.
As a lapsed “Catholic Jew” with practicing family in the UK, Spain, and Israel, including my sister and her family, and who has always been an outspoken critic of apartheid and the slow slide in to far-right governance (which began before Netanyahu became political relevant, but was accelerated by his veiled far-right messaging and policies), I have long been a target of angst and anger. I have had several members of my family (mostly those in Israel) stop talking to me entirely over the last few months over my steadfast opposition to the actions of the Israeli government in Gaza and the West Bank, supposedly in response to the 7th October attacks.

But I cannot stay silent just to avoid making others uncomfortable or save myself harassment or abuse. That is not the example I will see for my son. And it certainly is not an example any rational, compassionate Jewish person should want to set.

And both Trump’s explicit support of the genocide, and Biden’s implict support (despite is public sabre rattling) need calling out.

As we have alluded to, Biden’s continued enablement of genocide in Gaza and the West Bank could end up being a boon to Trump’s election prospects.

That alone is concerning.
Truth Social shares have tanked 25% today (so far) and are currently 79% below their peak last Tuesday. I hope his MAGAs who invested their life savings finally realise what a con man Trump is but I won't hold my breath.

Kind of annoyed, I was very tempted to go short on it but decided against... fools and their money etc. still probably not the worst idea. I can't see it recovering.
Kind of annoyed, I was very tempted to go short on it but decided against... fools and their money etc. still probably not the worst idea. I can't see it recovering.
I did end up picking up a few 60p 5APR at close Thursday, and closed the position right after lunch today for a decent 125% return.

My part in exposing the Ponzi scheme.
As a lapsed “Catholic Jew” with practicing family in the UK, Spain, and Israel, including my sister and her family, and who has always been an outspoken critic of apartheid and the slow slide in to far-right governance (which began before Netanyahu became political relevant, but was accelerated by his veiled far-right messaging and policies), I have long been a target of angst and anger. I have had several members of my family (mostly those in Israel) stop talking to me entirely over the last few months over my steadfast opposition to the actions of the Israeli government in Gaza and the West Bank, supposedly in response to the 7th October attacks.

But I cannot stay silent just to avoid making others uncomfortable or save myself harassment or abuse. That is not the example I will see for my son. And it certainly is not an example any rational, compassionate Jewish person should want to set.

And both Trump’s explicit support of the genocide, and Biden’s implict support (despite is public sabre rattling) need calling out.

As we have alluded to, Biden’s continued enablement of genocide in Gaza and the West Bank could end up being a boon to Trump’s election prospects.

That alone is concerning.
Well played and credit to you Seb for not biting your tongue on the topic. Must be so many families out there where its similar to yours.
Hankey is lying when he says he didn’t know Trump before providing this bond. Hankey’s company Axos Financial provided key loans to Trump secured against Trump Tower and the Doral resort when Trump was facing a debt crunch just after leaving office.

Trump posts $175m bond in New York fraud case

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