Donald Trump

nothing has amazed me more in as long as I can remember than the orange narcissist **** bastard surviving the first month of his presidency, never mind being in a position to run again

It’s wild when you think about it. President of the US has one of the highest mortality rates of any job at 9%. They have more guns than people. Mentally disturbed mass shooters are coming out of the woodwork a few times a week at this point - clearly more than the CIA or national security at large can keep tabs on. You’d think every president would be at enormous risk every time they step outside, that goes for both Biden and Trump who are probably each hated equally by the other side.

How Trump has survived 8 years of doing public rallies without some maverick deciding it’s the end of the road for him frankly astounds me.
It’s wild when you think about it. President of the US has one of the highest mortality rates of any job at 9%. They have more guns than people. Mentally disturbed mass shooters are coming out of the woodwork a few times a week at this point - clearly more than the CIA or national security at large can keep tabs on. You’d think every president would be at enormous risk every time they step outside, that goes for both Biden and Trump who are probably each hated equally by the other side.

How Trump has survived 8 years of doing public rallies without some maverick deciding it’s the end of the road for him frankly astounds me.
Because one of the benefits of the internet is being able to lambast those with whom you disagree without any consequences or all the bother of preparing, buying things and the potential inconvenience of the electric chair?
The fun starts tomorrow. Despite the Trump tactics of delay delay delay his trial proper begins with opening statements. Then a contempt hearing on Tuesday.
Roll up, roll up, all the fun of the fair.
Surprise surprise. Trump has filed an emergency motion that he cannot have a fair jury in New York. Er….this was rejected about a week ago but somehow Trump team think the facts have changed. YCNMIU.
Surprise surprise. Trump has filed an emergency motion that he cannot have a fair jury in New York. Er….this was rejected about a week ago but somehow Trump team think the facts have changed. YCNMIU.
I've just finished watching the OJ doc and what staggered me was how partisan the jury was, I thought selection of jurors was as disparate as possible to avoid any potential favouritism or preconceptions; is this an issue unique to the US? How exactly are their jurors selected?
Shitcunt used the weather to not be arsed to show up at a rally last night.

Must have needed to fill himself up with the Adderall he couldn't take whilst in court last week.
Could have actually packed the event, rather the the quarter full rallies he has been putting on recently, if he had just promised to share where he was getting his supply, as well, given the worsening shortage in the US.

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