Donald Trump | Found guilty on all 34 counts

Anybody know where I can find reliable stats on how strongly fundraising correlates with electoral success? I imagine the link is fairly tight but would be good to see if there’s any actual numbers.
Lots of stats out there but tend to include all elections not just POTUS. The stat ive seen most is that 90% of the time the winner had the highest spend. But I assume that includes safe seats where the incumbent finds it easier to raise money as well as win votes.

There is a chicken and egg element to political fund raising. If you have an elected office and power then you will attract donor money. And donor money helps you win the election to office. Its why so many top US politicians are so old. The more you raise the more you win, the more you win the more you raise. The longer you go raising money and winning races the more that both become easy.

But what Trump is doing is untested. He has zero ground game. He has no interest in traditional campaigning and no interest in helping rank and file republicans with their campaigns. The dems are raising shit loads of money but will spend it on a broad base, volunteers and paid campaign staff all out there knocking doors and all co-ordinated and funded from the top. For the GOP its just the Trump show, minimal other activity.
At his latest rally in New Jersey Trump bizarrely praised "the late great" Hannibal Lecter as "a wonderful man", apparently unable to distinguish between a fictional character and reality. He also refered to Al Capone as "great" and lied that migrants from mental institutions are being let in to the US.

At his latest rally in New Jersey Trump bizarrely praised "the late great" Hannibal Lecter as "a wonderful man", apparently unable to distinguish between a fictional character and reality. He also refered to Al Capone as "great" and lied that migrants from mental institutions are being let in to the US.

One wonders at this point if anything matters. It's likely that a very few voters in a very few states will decide who the next US President is. God only knows what these select few think now or will think when it comes time to vote.
From the BBC:
"Todd Blanche stumbles here in court, after accidentally bringing up the incorrect evidence. He had to apologise for the error, and now his questioning is interrupted by the prosecutor‘s objection.

Trump has reportedly been unhappy with his lead lawyer, according to US media outlets, and would like him to be more aggressive.

If true, Blanche’s slow start likely won’t make his client happy"
From the BBC:
"Todd Blanche stumbles here in court, after accidentally bringing up the incorrect evidence. He had to apologise for the error, and now his questioning is interrupted by the prosecutor‘s objection.

Trump has reportedly been unhappy with his lead lawyer, according to US media outlets, and would like him to be more aggressive.

If true, Blanche’s slow start likely won’t make his client happy"
What does President Shitgibbon expect when he has a reputation for not paying anyone that defends him in court.

Pay peanuts and all that...

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