Donald Trump

I find all this talk about the election, his base and the reaction a bit… secondary.

Donald Trump committed felonies. He is a criminal. If any other average Joe tried to muddle the numbers on a campaign donation that was 100x the legal limit then that person would be rightfully arrested and charged.

Trump had his due process, he had a defence, he had a jury of his peers selected entirely at random. Every single member of that jury looked at the guidelines, looked at the evidence and all came to the conclusion that Trump had contravened established law. Unanimously. And relatively quickly, suggesting it wasn’t a hard decision to make.

This is how justice works. Whether or not he faces jail time, whether or not his campaign benefits, whether or not it even matters in the grand scheme of things. Today for the first time in his life, Trump has discovered that his actions have consequences, and at the end of it all, he is just an ordinary citizen.

And it is long long overdue.

anyway,he's currently odds on favourite still to win the election.

Yes i asked if it meant jail time - when verdict was announced watching reporters live on sky say it is unlikely... only take their opinion, not mine. i don't have a clue.

I seriously hope this at the least damages his credibility but we know his base doens't get swayed.
What odds are you quoting?
The consensus on twitter is that his guilty verdicts all but guarantees he will win the election.
Anyone able to help out with a simple explanation?
Each of the 34 counts Trump was convicted on is punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 per offense and/or up to four years in prison—meaning in theory, Trump faces up to $170,000 in fines and 136 years in prison if he were convicted on every count and given the maximum sentence.

I believe I’ve heard (not a lawyer) sentences for counts that relate to the same broader conspiracy can run concurrently. It isn’t 34 separate crimes it’s actually like a handful of crimes, some of which can be grouped into concurrent sentences.
No, odds offered by a bookie are as substantial to the campaign process as me saying surprise third party candidate Weird Al Yankovich will win the election, bet on it.

Just because John Q **** from somewhere in the world bets a hundred quid on Trump doesn't mean anything regards to him winning.

I bet that Biden 5/2 shortens in no time because folk will think "that's worth a punt, I'd make x amount" then the bookies will go "fuck that, drop it to evens, stem the flow" and without a single vote cast, he'll be the favourite with the bookies
We're talking many millions of bets ^_^. This is the definition of a "statistically predictable" event that remains in the balance. Everyone, stock markets and businesses and media and academics are modelling it constantly. Every fucker is modelling it based on the latest data. The odds reflect those models because people have access to them, and they want to make money.

People everywhere on the internet, sitting their coping, are overlooking something about America. It is a very divided nation. States make their own laws.

Regarding this verdict, should be aware that Picket fence America detests and distrusts NY. TBH I'm not suprised by the verdict but I wasn't impressed by the case. Wow, a verdict. OJ Simpson was a verdict. Did we believe that?

All of America distrusts authority. It reserves the right to keep arms to 'keep the govt from their door'. It culturally detests govt in a way we experience once in a blue moon. It had a civil war you may have heard about, right before the industrial revolution. It never got over it for long. It refuses social medicine. It equates socialism with communism and throws people in jail for party membership. It salutes the flag and sings the anthem every day.

That is the side of America Trump and Republicans get. The vast numbers of people who you and I never meet or speak to or see. What appeals to them. It doesn't appeal to us.

What it is, is flags and shit, and the spirit of American independance and 'freedom' etc.

It ain't rocket science. And it aint nice words about trials and verdicts.
Each of the 34 counts Trump was convicted on is punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 per offense and/or up to four years in prison—meaning in theory, Trump faces up to $170,000 in fines and 136 years in prison if he were convicted on every count and given the maximum sentence.
That is still wrong. Shame on Forbes.

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