Donald Trump

dude they voted in a reality tv star and a film star already, a criminal is prob a step up
I get the impression that trump voters will vote trump whatever, and equally the voters that were not voting for him still won't. It's so polarised that this verdict is probably of no consequence unless it actually puts him behind bars or stops him running for election.
Well im sure he'd do what he could to change that law and then pardon himself....

In theory he could declare the American empire and override all the states individual laws and processes, yes.

But he'd need to control Congress by the usual means or initiate a military Junta.

Bit pointless discussing what he could do legally as he'd do anything he could illegally if he thought he could get away with it.

This case proves that his judgement on what he can get away with is flawed, If he had simply given Stormy a bag of cash without the complicated cover-up. There would never have been a case.
dude they voted in a reality tv star and a film star already, a criminal is prob a step up

this isn't far off the truth.
Americans love the entertainment factor more than stability.
If he's sentenced to Jail it wouldn't surprise me if more people would vote for him for the shits and giggles.
Republicans are being told by the only media they can stomach (cos most are brainwashed from birth to distrust Democrats/Liberals) that this whole thing was a stich up by Biden cronies to prevent a rival from running against him and so Biden can become the next Putin.

In their minds, Trump is a brave martyr that is trying to save America. And if Trymp doesn't get in it surely is the end of democracy.

They are fed and believe that they must vote for Trump or die as a culture.

(To be fair to them, this is what most politicians do... left or right. It's just that it is dangerous in the extreme - "be a good communistist"/ "be a good American" while we trample on anyone we target. Imo in American the republicans have been getting more and more extreme while the democrats look on in disbelief.)

In theory he could declare the American empire and override all the states individual laws and processes, yes.

But he'd need to control Congress by the usual means or initiate a military Junta.

Bit pointless discussing what he could do legally as he'd do anything he could illegally if he thought he could get away with it.

This case proves that his judgement on what he can get away with is flawed, If he had simply given Stormy a bag of cash without the complicated cover-up. There would never have been a case.
On the question of pardoning himself as with so much else you can get away with unconstitutional acts if you have the right Supreme Court justices.

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