Donald Trump

I’m sure it’s true but unless there’s a tape a la Access Hollywood, fuck all will come of it. And even if there is a tape, it will barely move the needle.
Just so.
Pretty much - as Trump famously stated
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"
Tbf he’s spent over $100m on legal fees in the last year. Up to 90c in the dollar given to his super PAC can be used for his legal fees. Every penny going that way is a penny less spent trying to win the election. Lovely.
And now he has full control of the RNC, most of those funds/contributions will be funnelled to him and affect down stream elections for congress and the senate. Hoping for a proper shitshow across the board for the republicans.
So rapist and convict with more to come , what the hell are the thick yanks doing backing him , i dont get it

When you think he went after hiliary and her emails , tried to force zelenskky into doing an investigating into hunter biden but the **** complains about a witch hunt when it comes to himself

He makes my flesh crawl
Isn't it just the Israel or Zionist lobby? They don't really give a shit about Jews around the world with nothing to do with Israel who suffer from increased harassment and attacks or the Semitic Palestinian children being blown up or starved to death.
I am very uncomfortable with the string-tags among the variety of lobby sets where by the outcome is a government I find abhorrent can so easily deflect criticism of their actions and turn the narrative to the worst kind of racism. It's almost as if every facet ends up rendered opaque -- the purest tainted, the darkest washed slightly clean. It's extraordinarily complicated. Very very tough spot for politicians of all stripes and people generally TBH. As it ever was.
How do they still have stories saved up that they didn't use during the last election?
Who knows? Shit leaks out bit by bit.

Will this make a difference in the popular vote... no fucking way. Trump has said much worse with evidence aplenty to back his abhorrent statements, and it's made not a whit of difference.
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Who knows? Shit leaks out bit by bit.

Will this make a difference in the popular vote... no fucking way. Trump has said much worse with evidence aplenty to back his abhorrent statements, and it's made not a whit of difference.
Yep, by now his support is unwither-away-able. That’s how cults work, right? I can’t imagine nearly any revelation has an impact on his core base. Maybe such a revelation would motivate an incremental voter or two to vote against him? But there’s been so much already. It’s actually been interesting how the two sides are so dug in by now that there are fewer and fewer around-the-table discussions about politics here — it’s already exhausting and the conventions are still weeks away. And of course if he loses, he’ll immediately not only say “rigged and stollen” but start running for 2028 so he can keep up the charade that he’s being persecuted for his politics.

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