Donald Trump

Just his status as former president, I think that makes it impossible for him to get a fair trial. Especially in NY! Fuck him though, don't really care
One of the jurors stated they only received their news from Truth Social and they still found him guilty on all 34 counts. I’m a sad **** so followed everything that came up in the trial and it was as open and shut as these things can get. The entire scheme was stated in AW’s own handwriting on a bank statement from the LLC Cohen set up for the sole purpose of making the payment and Trump was recorded, in his own voice discussing it.
One of the jurors stated they only received their news from Truth Social and they still found him guilty on all 34 counts. I’m a sad **** so followed everything that came up in the trial and it was as open and shut as these things can get. The entire scheme was stated in AW’s own handwriting on a bank statement from the LLC Cohen set up for the sole purpose of making the payment and Trump was recorded, in his own voice discussing it.
Crikey. Fancy getting your news solely from Truth Social. Mine comes exclusively from Miggy’s
You’re on record saying Biden wins in a landslide if he, what, abandons Israel? Tells BN to fuck himself publicly? Nukes Tel Aviv? Little unclear on exactly the scenario you envision that creates the alleged landslide. Also doesn’t seem you know much about the pro-Semitic lobby here even though about 36 posters have brought it up as a consideration. It’s okay though — you keep going on about how much you know, buddy.
Of course I know about Aipac and all the money they stuff into the pockets of congressional folk. You keep telling me it's perfectly normal for Joe Biden to stick Two fingers up at 80 - 90% of the Democrat base who want a ceasefire all because he doesn't want to upset Israel. More missiles sent over again this week after Bidens Red Line had been crossed.

And you keep telling me all these Democrats will still be on board with Biden come November no matter what atrocities he enables.

Sure thing BUDDY!
You’re on record saying Biden wins in a landslide if he, what, abandons Israel? Tells BN to fuck himself publicly? Nukes Tel Aviv? Little unclear on exactly the scenario you envision that creates the alleged landslide. Also doesn’t seem you know much about the pro-Semitic lobby here even though about 36 posters have brought it up as a consideration. It’s okay though — you keep going on about how much you know, buddy.

Isn't it just the Israel or Zionist lobby? They don't really give a shit about Jews around the world with nothing to do with Israel who suffer from increased harassment and attacks or the Semitic Palestinian children being blown up or starved to death.
As I say, they’ll be cutting off their nose to spite their own faces. I cannot stand the Israeli government. What Hamas did was abhorrent but that’s what Hamas are. We expect abhorrent acts from terrorist organisations. We don’t expect that from a democratically elected ally.

But allowing Trump into the White House will damage everyone a great deal more. I personally wish Israel would wind their fucking necks in, the US wouldn’t give them anything else that could be used offensively and the Israel lobby would fuck off. But that’s never going to happen, so back in the real world, if two leaders are going to support Israel come what may, let’s choose the one that isn’t a twice impeached, 90 times indicted, 34 times convicted, rapist ****.
Agree with everything except...
>> We don’t expect that from a democratically elected ally.
I think that the Israeli response was all too predictable and expected. The USA did the same - but perhaps even worse - following the 9/11/2001 attack. Society demands blood for blood.

In a vacuum, free of emotion, I would have liked to see Israel reach out to Palestine following the attack. Let's cooperate to bring such violence to an end and to apprehend and bring to justice those responsible.

Instead, a pointless war, killing numerous innocent civilians resulted, perpetuating the hate between Israel and Palestine... which is precisely what Hamas was hoping to achieve.

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