Donald Trump

There's nothing dense about it, this post of yours contains English words. the resulting sentence however is not comprehendible english. If you want people to debate you. you need to make sense first.

When a number of posters make the same comment about a post, did you not think that maybe you made an error in a post, a post probably posted in haste?

Error, no. Haste, yes. I was awaiting surgery.

"Caveat"; recognising the conversation is based within the isolated parameters.

"Enforcement in choice from the parties"; derailing any other voice not endorsing the duopoly party lines, specifically around continuing wars and lack serving the people.

"and media to create these choices"; MSM purposefully deplatforming external voices outside of the duopoly, lessening the freedom of thought for the citizen that still uses that medium.

Not bothered if posters think they know what's best. I have a position; I don't like politicians that constantly break promises to the citizen. Posters can 'oh well' all they like, but Govs feed them as much as they want them to know via MSM. Like the dumb quote "adults in the room" that got repeated on here ad nauseum.

We see the parroting of MSM all the time in the retorts to posts like mine.

It's cool, though. I'll await the usual bashing from the "adults" that, ironically, giggle like children with insults.
I appreciate the expanded response without the need for childish insults, unlike some of the posters that exist in this thread.


Yes, my post of stating "You obviously" was borne out of the frustration of seeing this system bring the world to a position of brinksmanship, like we've never seen. So, I apologise for that beginning statement as I agree it can shut down dialogue.


I don't understand, then, why on earth SCOTUS would allow money to equal speech as the most money influences and wins. A multi billionaire can lobby a politician more than 5 million in a state. How is acceptable??

SCOTUS interprets the law to make certain it doesn’t violate the Constitution and determined it didn’t, so it stands. Congress makes laws, SCOTUS is merely the check and balance on that legislation.

We, clearly, see the impact of AIPAC (and similar)tentacles spreading throughout world politics. AIPAC MIC, Blackstone, Blackrock etc, etc., bending society to its will through money equalling speech.

What pendulum can possibly exist with this system? People can get frustrated with the system, 'listened to' and, effectively, ignored by giving them choices of selected politician influenced by PACS/ lobbyists.

So, who speaks for the citizen who wants a peaceful life and to be tredted fairly??

As Obama said, “Don’t boo! VOTE!!”

It’s the best system we have, unless you want a poor autocrat to run the country and make decisions for us all.

It's not 'democracy' to not give equal platform to other viable voices to speak on issues. FFS, Jill Stein couldn't get 70k on the New York ballot through de-platforming!

She helped decide Trump’s election victory, didn’t she? Unintended consequences?!

Yeah, both Trump AND Biden feed upon the fears and despair of people. It's not one over the other. Less about what can be done and more about hating the opponent.

If you want to view it that way, you can, but I prefer to see Biden has a vision for all of America while Trump speaks in nebulous platitudes and gobbledygook.

Unlike others on here. I'd rather stay true to myself than support any of the lesser of two evils, no matter where and who.

And, you’re fortunate to have that choice and are willing to live with the “less good” alternative from afar. Me? I ACTUALLY have to live with my decision, which makes it a very easy one to make.

I don’t control the system, only my vote within it. I will cast it for the betterment of the system going forward, even if that is NOT “the more perfect Union” for which we strive.
SCOTUS interprets the law to make certain it doesn’t violate the Constitution and determined it didn’t, so it stands. Congress makes laws, SCOTUS is merely the check and balance on that legislation.

Question; why did SCOTUS decide this in the last 30 years? It can't have been a law before then.

As Obama said, “Don’t boo! VOTE!!”

For the same duopoly I discussed.

She helped decide Trump’s election victory, didn’t she? Unintended consequences?!

No, not really. Stein is, yet another one of those 'ABC' moments (Anybody But Clinton) blaming others for her failure. How does a 'brilliant' and 'popular' politician lose to a salesman??

Is it because voters stayed home? Independent voters having a say? Comey getting involved? Or just that H Clinton is despised by the voter??

But, yeah, Stein's fault.
If you want to view it that way, you can, but I prefer to see Biden has a vision for all of America while Trump speaks in nebulous platitudes and gobbledygook.

The irony of saying Trump speaks in platitudes!! Such is the power of Biden's fiery words and fist slamming to show power, his pal Netanyahu ignores his orders.

And, you’re fortunate to have that choice and are willing to live with the “less good” alternative from afar. Me? I ACTUALLY have to live with my decision, which makes it a very easy one to make..

I said "I'd rather stay true to myself than support any of the lesser of two evils, no matter where and who.

I don’t control the system, only my vote within it. I will cast it for the betterment of the system going forward, even if that is NOT “the more perfect Union” for which we strive.

This will truly depend on the democratic decision to hear out other voices, which has been my point all along about the MSM not allowing such platforms for the citizen.
Question; why did SCOTUS decide this in the last 30 years? It can't have been a law before then.

SCOTUS can only rule on laws which are appealed to that level, unless there is special circumstances. They don’t go looking for case law.

For the same duopoly I discussed.

He didn’t say WHO to vote for, only that you should exercise your right to choose…hoping you’d choose him.

In some regards, a duopoly is the natural order in politics, as it often is in business. “Do you want this or that?” Most people are happy with a choice, even if neither choice gives them everything they might want. Again, most people realize that perfection is the enemy of good, esp in complex areas of their lives.

No, not really. Stein is, yet another one of those 'ABC' moments (Anybody But Clinton) blaming others for her failure. How does a 'brilliant' and 'popular' politician lose to a salesman??

Is it because voters stayed home? Independent voters having a say? Comey getting involved? Or just that H Clinton is despised by the voter??

But, yeah, Stein's fault.

That was more of a tongue in cheek comment, where the lack of a duopoly cost one of the duopoly candidates the throne.

One cannot blame Stein, but only a fool would have thought they were funneling votes away from Trump, and Clinton was FAR more friendly to the Stein voters positions than he was. A classic case of cutting your nose of to spite your face, even though vanity was the goal!

The irony of saying Trump speaks in platitudes!! Such is the power of Biden's fiery words and fist slamming to show power, his pal Netanyahu ignores his orders.

That’s because Israel doesn’t take “orders” from the United States. Again, you veer to Israel to make a point when the POTUS sphere of influence is considerably more complex and global in nature.

You can say AIPAC “owns” him, but that’s neither true nor sophisticated enough to be close to the truth.

The power of the presidency is far-reaching and profound. Exercising it AGAINST allies is a big step in a long game. However, don’t ever think it will not be exercised, if needed.

I said "I'd rather stay true to myself than support any of the lesser of two evils, no matter where and who.

Like you, I have my guardrails. Yours seem fairly rigid and narrow. Mine provide a wide berth for big vehicles, realizing that the trucks have to get through or people starve…to use an analogy you might appreciate.

This will truly depend on the democratic decision to hear out other voices, which has been my point all along about the MSM not allowing such platforms for the citizen.

Those platforms exist, but too many people stick to the one that confirms their bias. Should you force people to read and understand the views of others OR do you hope such polarization is a swing of the pendulum, due to politics of the moment, and that it will swing back in the near future…when the MAGA Cult (or Trump himself) dies? That’s the pendulum of which I spoke earlier.

Surely, in 1943, people were praying for that particular pendulum to swing…and it did, with Europe going 75 years before Putin declared war again in Europe. And, the pendulum has NOT swung back to meet him…yet!

I have a friend, now retired, with whom I used to discuss company, country and global issues. We would sit around and try to solve the worlds problems over a beer and a bite, but some intractable problems were always out there, seemingly unsolvable under any reasonable current mindset.

For those issues, he had a phrase:

“It’s beyond human scale!”

What he meant was, currently, humanity has yet to find the solution or the will to enforce a solution it believes it may have discovered, because the resistance of humanity (or parts of it) were too strong or too deeply entrenched.

We live in interesting times and humanity is being challenged in often old and tired ways, yet we still seem incapable of creating the critical mass, as a global community, to fix what ails us.

Politics, eh?! Whaddyagunnado?!
SCOTUS can only rule on laws which are appealed to that level, unless there is special circumstances. They don’t go looking for case law.

He didn’t say WHO to vote for, only that you should exercise your right to choose…hoping you’d choose him.

In some regards, a duopoly is the natural order in politics, as it often is in business. “Do you want this or that?” Most people are happy with a choice, even if neither choice gives them everything they might want. Again, most people realize that perfection is the enemy of good, esp in complex areas of their lives.

That was more of a tongue in cheek comment, where the lack of a duopoly cost one of the duopoly candidates the throne.

One cannot blame Stein, but only a fool would have thought they were funneling votes away from Trump, and Clinton was FAR more friendly to the Stein voters positions than he was. A classic case of cutting your nose of to spite your face, even though vanity was the goal!

That’s because Israel doesn’t take “orders” from the United States. Again, you veer to Israel to make a point when the POTUS sphere of influence is considerably more complex and global in nature.

You can say AIPAC “owns” him, but that’s neither true nor sophisticated enough to be close to the truth.

The power of the presidency is far-reaching and profound. Exercising it AGAINST allies is a big step in a long game. However, don’t ever think it will not be exercised, if needed.

Like you, I have my guardrails. Yours seem fairly rigid and narrow. Mine provide a wide berth for big vehicles, realizing that the trucks have to get through or people starve…to use an analogy you might appreciate.

Those platforms exist, but too many people stick to the one that confirms their bias. Should you force people to read and understand the views of others OR do you hope such polarization is a swing of the pendulum, due to politics of the moment, and that it will swing back in the near future…when the MAGA Cult (or Trump himself) dies? That’s the pendulum of which I spoke earlier.

Surely, in 1943, people were praying for that particular pendulum to swing…and it did, with Europe going 75 years before Putin declared war again in Europe. And, the pendulum has NOT swung back to meet him…yet!

I have a friend, now retired, with whom I used to discuss company, country and global issues. We would sit around and try to solve the worlds problems over a beer and a bite, but some intractable problems were always out there, seemingly unsolvable under any reasonable current mindset.

For those issues, he had a phrase:

“It’s beyond human scale!”

What he meant was, currently, humanity has yet to find the solution or the will to enforce a solution it believes it may have discovered, because the resistance of humanity (or parts of it) were too strong or too deeply entrenched.

We live in interesting times and humanity is being challenged in often old and tired ways, yet we still seem incapable of creating the critical mass, as a global community, to fix what ails us.

Politics, eh?! Whaddyagunnado?!

I want to discuss more on your outlook, but I can't focus post-op.

Appreciated the dialogue today.

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